التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
Inclusive V-0 production cross sections from 920 GeV fixed target proton-nucleus collisions
Abt, I , Abyzov, A , Adams, M , Albrecht, H , Amaral, V , Amorim, A , Aplin, SJ , Arefiev, A , Arino, I , Atiya, M , Aushev, V , Bagaturia, Y , Baghshetsyan, R , Balagura, V , Bargiotti, M , Barsuk, S , Barsukova, O , Bassetti, V , Bastos, J , Bauer, C , Bauer, TS , Beck, M , Belkov, A , Belotelov, I , Belyaev, I , Berkhan, K , Bertin, A , Bobchenko, B , Bocker, M , Bogatyrev, A , Bohm, G , Borgmeier, C , Brauer, M , Broemmelsiek, D , Brunisma, M , Bruschi, M , Buchholz, P , Buchler, M , Buran, T , Capeans, M , Capponi, M , Carvalho, J , Chamanina, J , Chen, BX , Chistov, R , Chmeissani, M , Christensen, A , Conde, P , Cruse, C , Dam, M , Danielsen, KM , Danilov, M , De Castro, S , Deckers, H , Dehmelt, K , Deppe, H , Dolgoshein, B , Dong, X , Dreis, HB , Dressel, M , Dujmic, D , Eckmann, R , Egorytchev, V , Ehret, K , Eiges, V , Eisele, F , Emeliyanov, D , Erhan, S , Essenov, S , Fabbri, L , Faccioli, P , Fallot-Burghardt, W , Feuerstack-Raible, M , Flammer, J , Fleckenstein, H , Fominykh, B , Fourletov, S , Fuljahn, T , Funcke, M , Galli, D , Garcia, A , Garrido, L , Gascon, D , Gellrich, A , Gerndt, KEK , Giacobbe, B , Glass, J , Glebe, T , Goloubkov, D , Golutvin, A , Golutvin, I , Gorbounov, I , Gorisek, A , Gouchtchine, O , Goulart, DC , Gradl, S , Gradl, W , Guilitsky, Y , Hamacher, T , Hansen, JD , Harr, R , Hast, C , Hausmann, S , Hernandez, JM , Hildebrandt, M , Holscher, A , Hopfner, K , Hofmann, W , Hohlmann, M , Hott, T , Hulsbergen, W , Husemann, U , Igonkina, O , Ispiryan, M , Issever, S , Itterbeck, H , Ivarsson, Jenny , Jagla, T , Jia, Y , Jiang, C , Kaoukher, A , Kapitza, H , Karabekyan, S , Karchin, P , Karpenko, N , Ke, Z , Keller, S , Khasanov, F , Kim, H , Kiryushin, Y , Kisel, I , Klefenz, F , Knopfle, KT , Kochetkov, V , Kolanoski, H , Korpar, S , Krauss, C , Kreuzer, P , Krizan, P , Krucker, D , Kvaratskheliia, T , Lange, A , Lanyov, A , Lau, K , Leffers, G , Legrand, I , Lewendel, B , Liu, YQ , Lohse, T , Loke, R , Lomonosov, B , Ludemann, J , Manner, R , Mankel, R , Marconi, U , Masciocchi, S , Massa, I , Matchikhilian, I , Medin, G , Medinnis, M , Mevius, M , Michetti, A , Mikhailov, Y , Miquel, R , Mizuk, R , Mohapatra, A , Moshkin, A , Moshous, B , Muresan, R , Nam, S , Negodaev, M , Negri, I , Norenberg, M , Nowak, S , de Vera, MTNP , Oest, T , Oliveira, A , Ouchrif, M , Ould-Saada, F , Padilla, C , Pakhlov, P , Pavlenko, Y , Peralta, D , Pernack, R , Perschke, T , Pestotnik, R , Petersen, BAA , Piccinini, M , Pleier, MA , Poli, M , Popov, V , Pose, A , Pose, D , Potashnikova, I , Pugatch, V , Pylypchenko, Y , Pyrlik, J , Ramachandran, S , Ratnikov, F , Reeves, K , Ressing, D , Riechmann, K , Rieling, J , Rietz, M , Riu, I , Robmann, P , Rosen, J , Rothe, C , Ruckstuhl, W , Rusinov, V , Rybnikov, V , Ryzhikov, D , Saadi-Ludemann, F , Samtleben, D , Sanchez, F , Sang, M , Saveliev, V , Sbrizzi, A , Schaller, S , Schlein, P , Schmelling, M , Schmidt, B , Schmidt, S , Schmidt-Parzefall, W , Schreiner, A , Schroder, H , Schultz, HD , Schwanke, U , Schwartz, AJ , Schwarz, AS , Schwenninger, B , Schwingenheuer, B , Schwitters, R , Sciacca, F , Semenov, S , Semprini-Cesari, N , Sexauer, E , Seybold, L , Shiu, J , Shuvalov, S , Siccama, I , Skrk, D , Sozuer, L , Soldatov, A , Solunin, S , Somov, A , Somov, S , Souvorov, V , Spahn, M , Spengler, J , Spighi, R , Spiridonov, A , Spratte, S , Stanovnik, A , Staric, M , Stdenis, R , Stegmann, C , Steinbeck, S , Steinkamp, O , Stieler, D , Straumann, U , Sun, F , Sun, H , Symalla, M , Takach, S , Tesch, N , Thurn, H , Tikhomirov, I , Titov, M , Trunk, U , Truol, P , Tsakov, I , Uwer, U , Vagnoni, V , van Eldik, C , van Staa, R , Vassiliev, Y , Villa, M , Vitale, A , Vukotic, I , Wagner, G , Wagner, W , Wahlberg, H , Walenta, AH , Walter, M , Walter, T , Wang, JJ , Wang, YM , Wanke, R , Wegener, D , Werthenbach, U , Weyers, PJ , Wolters, H , Wurth, R , Wurz, A , Xella-Hansen, S , Yang, J , Zaitsev, Y , Zavertyaev, M , Zech, G , Zeuner, T , Zhelezov, A , Zheng, Z , Zhu, Z , Zimmermann, R , Zivko, T , Zoccoli, A , Zweizig, J
European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields . 29(2):181-190
مصطلحات موضوعية:
Naturvetenskap , Fysik , Subatomär fysik , Natural Sciences , Physical Sciences , Subatomic Physics
Inclusive differential cross sections dsigma(pA)/dx(F) and dsigma(pA)/dp(t)(2) for the production of K-S(0), Lambda, and (&ULambda;) over bar particles are measured at HERA in proton-induced reactions on C, Al, Ti, and W targets. The incident beam energy is 920 GeV, corresponding to roots = 41.6 GeV in the proton-nucleon system. The ratios of differential cross sections dsigma(pA)(K-S(0))/dsigma(pA)(Lambda) and dsigma(pA)((&ULambda;) over bar)/dsigma(pA) (Lambda) are measured to be 6.2 +/- 0.5 and 0.66 +/- 0.07, respectively, for x(F) approximate to -0.06. No significant dependence upon the target material is observed. Within errors, the slopes of the transverse momentum distributions da,Ald t also show no significant dependence upon the target material. The dependence of the extrapolated total cross sections sigma(pA) on the atomic mass A of the target material is discussed, and the deduced cross sections per nucleon sigma(pN) are compared with results obtained at other energies.
URL الوصول:
https://lup.lub.lu.se/record/304347 http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s2003-01200-y
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