Bowel function and associated risk factors at preschool and early childhood age in children with anorectal malformation type rectovestibular fistula : An ARM-Net consortium study
التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
Bowel function and associated risk factors at preschool and early childhood age in children with anorectal malformation type rectovestibular fistula : An ARM-Net consortium study
Background: Outcome of patients operated for anorectal malformation (ARM) type rectovestibular fistula (RVF) is generally considered to be good. However, large multi-center studies are scarce, mostly describing pooled outcome of different ARM-types, in adult patients. Therefore, counseling parents concerning the bowel function at early age is challenging. Aim of this study was to evaluate bowel function of RVF-patients at preschool/early childhood age and determine risk factors for poor functional outcome. Methods: A multi-center cohort study was performed. Patient characteristics, associated anomalies, sacral ratio, surgical procedures, post-reconstructive complications, one-year constipation, and Bowel Function Score (BFS) at 4–7 years of follow-up were registered. Groups with below normal (BFS < 17; subgroups ‘poor’ ≤ 11, and ‘fair’ 11 < BFS < 17) and good outcome (BFS ≥ 17) were formed. Univariable analyses were performed to detect risk factors for outcome. Results: The study included 111 RVF-patients. Median BFS was 16 (range 6–20). The ‘below normal’ group consisted of 61 patients (55.0%). Overall, we reported soiling, fecal accidents, and constipation in 64.9%, 35.1% and 70.3%, respectively. Bowel management was performed in 23.4% of patients. Risk factors for poor outcome were tethered cord and low sacral ratio, while sacral anomalies, low sacral ratio, prior enterostomy, post-reconstructive complications, and one-year constipation were for being on bowel management. Conclusions: Although median BFS at 4–7 year follow-up is nearly normal, the majority of patients suffers from some degree of soiling and constipation, and almost 25% needs bowel management. Several factors were associated with poor bowel function outcome and bowel management. Level of Evidence: Level III.