Update of the concept of type 5 resistant starch (RS5) : Self-assembled starch V-type complexes

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Update of the concept of type 5 resistant starch (RS5) : Self-assembled starch V-type complexes
المؤلفون: Gutiérrez, Tomy J., Tovar, Juscelino
المصدر: Trends in Food Science and Technology. 109:711-724
مصطلحات موضوعية: Food nanotechnology, Starch digestibility, Resistant starch self-assembly, V-type resistant starch, Teknik, Annan teknik, Livsmedelsteknik, Engineering and Technology, Other Engineering and Technologies, Food Engineering
الوصف: Background: All starch fractions not digested and absorbed in the small intestine of healthy humans are considered resistant starch (RS), and their habitual intake has been associated with different beneficial effects on health. In particular, starch-lipid V-type complexes, such as starch-fatty acids and starch-monoglycerides, have traditionally been classified as type 5 RS. Scope and approach: Other starch V-type complexes have emerged more recently, such as starch-glycerol, starch-amino acids, starch-peptides, starch-proteins, starch-lipid-protein, starch-polyphenols, starch-other polysaccharides, among others, which do not fit well into the traditionally accepted nutritional classification of RS. Here, these complexes are analyzed in order to highlight the pertinence of redefining RS5 for the inclusion of this new type of RS. Key findings and conclusions: All those self-assembled starch V-type complexes can be classified as RS5. However, starch-polyphenol V-type complexes should particularly be further investigated to ensure their inclusion in this new extended RS5.
URL الوصول: https://lup.lub.lu.se/record/1a28f0b8-2002-400a-8bd1-1f09ad0ecb0c
قاعدة البيانات: SwePub