Values, attitudes, moral judgment competence, locus of control and sense of coherence as determinants of pro-environmental behaviors and behavioral intentions
التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
Values, attitudes, moral judgment competence, locus of control and sense of coherence as determinants of pro-environmental behaviors and behavioral intentions
Based on a survey completed by 463 residents in two Swedish cities, the predictive power of value orientations, awareness of consequences, environmental concern, moral judgment competence, locus of control and sense of coherence were examined on eight types of pro-environmental behaviors and behavioral intentions. The best fitting causal model confirms partly the hypothetical model. Values indirect and direct affect pro-environmental behaviors and behavioral intentions with awareness of consequences and environmental concern as intermediate or transmitting variables. Neither pro-environmental behaviors nor behavioral intentions are affected by awareness of consequences, environmental concern, locus of control, moral judgment competence or sense of coherence. The need of more environmentally specific measures of the predictors in relation to specific behaviors is discussed.