Bistable magnetic holding device

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Bistable magnetic holding device
Patent Number: 8,327,853
تاريخ النشر: December 11, 2012
Appl. No: 12/994448
Application Filed: May 25, 2009
مستخلص: A bistable magnetic holding device, which includes: a nonmagnetic support casing in the form of a channel with a rectangular cross-section; a magnetic core including a base and three legs set perpendicularly to the base, the two outer legs and the base forming a “U”; a permanent magnet in the form of a bar inserted between the base and the middle leg; a coil surrounding the middle leg; a flat movable part; and a return motion and guidance means built into the inside walls of the support so as to allow return motion, toward the upper part of the support casing, of the magnetic core.
Inventors: Ponsort, Dominique (Bievres, FR); Riwan, Alain (Chevilly-Larue, FR); Bonnemason, Julie (Chatillon, FR)
Assignees: Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (Paris, FR)
Claim: 1. A bistable magnetic holding device, characterised in that it comprises: a nonmagnetic support casing forming a channel with a rectangular cross-section, a magnetic core including a base and three legs arranged perpendicularly to this base, the two outer legs and the base forming a “U”, a permanent magnet in the shape of a bar inserted between the base and the middle leg, a coil surrounding the middle leg, a movable flat magnetic part set above the upper part of the support casing, a magnetic flux, aligned with the direction of motion of this movable magnetic part, being established between the magnetic core and this movable magnetic part, return motion and guidance means built into the inside walls of the support casing so as to allow a return, toward the upper part of the support casing, of the magnetic core to a position where the upper part of the three legs is in contact with the lower surface of the upper part of the support casing, and to allow the guidance in translation of the outside surfaces of the outside legs of the magnetic core within the support casing.
Claim: 2. The device according to claim 1 , which includes a plate, made of nonmagnetic material, movable in translation within the support casing, parallel to its side walls on which rests the magnetic core.
Claim: 3. The device according to claim 2 , in which the return and guidance means are built into the ends of the plate.
Claim: 4. The device according to claim 1 , in which the return and guidance means include two elongated L-shaped parts, each associated with a return spring.
Claim: 5. The device according to claim 1 , in which the nonmagnetic support casing is an enclosed casing.
Claim: 6. The device according to claim 1 , in which the nonmagnetic support casing is made of plastic.
Claim: 7. An orthopaedic device including a device according to claim 1 , in which the arm of a user is set in a conformal shell built into a flat movable magnetic part.
Current U.S. Class: 128/845
Patent References Cited: 2007/0171016 July 2007 Bonjean et al.
1 811 536 July 2007

Other References: International Search Report, PCT/EP2009/056276, dated Sep. 22, 2009. cited by other
French Preliminary Search Report, FR 08 53440, dated Nov. 25, 2008. cited by other
Assistant Examiner: Hawthorne, Ophelia A
Primary Examiner: Brown, Michael
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Nixon Peabody LLP
رقم الانضمام: edspgr.08327853
قاعدة البيانات: USPTO Patent Grants