Wheel frame assembly for quick expansion and folding

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Wheel frame assembly for quick expansion and folding
Patent Number: 8,152,179
تاريخ النشر: April 10, 2012
Appl. No: 12/268452
Application Filed: November 11, 2008
مستخلص: A wheel frame assembly capable of being folded and expansion rapidly for carrying out and storage easily and conveniently. A wheel frame assembly comprises a retainer frame having two parallel retaining rods; at least two rotary units; each rotary unit being formed by assembling a sleeve with a wheel; an active frame have two parallel active rods; each active rod being penetrated by a guide shaft; a telescopic rod having an inner rod and an outer rod engaged to inner rod; the telescopic rod being connected to a latch for controlling the telescopic movement of the inner rod; the actuation of the latch being performed by a handle. Another, a pin assembly can be used to replaced the telescopic rod. The pin assembly includes a rod unit engaged to the rotary unit and a wire for controlling the rod unit to separate from the rotary unit.
Inventors: Yang, Sai-Wei (Taipei, TW); Fang, Yu-Chun (Taipei, TW)
Assignees: Yang, Sai-Wei (Wanhua District, Taipei, TW), Fang, Yu-Chun (Wanhua District, Taipei, TW), Tang, Tai-Heia (Wanhua Disitrict, Taipei, TW)
Claim: 1. A wheel frame assembly capable of being folded and expanded, comprising: a retainer frame having two parallel retaining rods and at least one transversal rod to be between the two retaining rods so that the two retaining rods are firmly secured in a parallel relation; and each retaining rod being engaged with a bush; each bush having at least one axial hole; at least two rotary units; each rotary unit being formed by assembling a sleeve with a wheel; an inner wall of the sleeve being formed with a slightly cambered guide trench; a front end of the guide trench being higher than a rear end thereof; each sleeve of the rotary units being engaged to a corresponding one of front ends and rear ends of the two retaining rods so that the sleeves can drive the wheels to rotate along the two retaining rods; an active frame has two parallel active rods; at least one transversal bar for positioning the active rods; each active rod being penetrated by a guide shaft and a positioning block; the guide shaft penetrating through a bottom of the active rod; each positioning block having a stud; each active rod passing through an axial hole of the bush so that the active frame is fixed at an upper side of the retainer frame and each guide shaft being penetrated into the guide trench of the rotary unit; a pin assembly installed to the retaining rod of the retainer frame; the pin assembly including a rod unit which is engaged to the rotary unit; the pin assembly having a wire for controlling the rod unit to separate from the rotary unit; the wire being connected to a switch on a linkage; when the switch is turned on, the wire is tightened, the rod unit will separate from the rotary unit.
Claim: 2. The wheel frame assembly capable of being folded and expanded as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the retainer frame is combined to one of a wheelchair, a foldable chair, an office chair, a dray, and another object having at least one wheel so as to provide more function to the object.
Claim: 3. The wheel frame assembly capable of being folded and expanded as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the active frame is combined to one of a wheelchair, a foldable chair, an office chair, a dray, and another object having at least one wheel so as to provide more function to the object.
Claim: 4. The wheel frame assembly capable of being folded and expanded as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the wheel has a brake.
Claim: 5. The wheel frame assembly capable of being folded and expanded as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the wheel has a brake.
Current U.S. Class: 280/39
Patent References Cited: 2415629 February 1947 Ford
2534539 December 1950 Topper
2587688 March 1952 Bosk
4659096 April 1987 Leimgruber
5318311 June 1994 Bofill
5403022 April 1995 Snider
7201385 April 2007 Renz et al.
7784816 August 2010 Jian et al.
7819409 October 2010 Chang
Primary Examiner: Ebner, Katy M
رقم الانضمام: edspgr.08152179
قاعدة البيانات: USPTO Patent Grants