Method and compositions for treatment of subsurface contaminants
العنوان: | Method and compositions for treatment of subsurface contaminants |
Patent Number: | 7,553,105 |
تاريخ النشر: | June 30, 2009 |
Appl. No: | 11/585417 |
Application Filed: | October 23, 2006 |
مستخلص: | Compositions and methods are provided for oxidizing subsurface contaminants. Compositions include compatible combinations of surfactants, cosolvents and chemical oxidants. Compositions have been identified that provide compatible combinations of surfactants and chemical oxidants that maximize oxidant productivity on solubilized contaminants. The compositions and methods are especially effective on the treatment of dense non-aqueous phase liquids or DNAPLs. |
Inventors: | Dugan, Pamela J. (Golden, CO, US); Siegrist, Robert L. (Boulder, CO, US); Crimi, Michelle L. (Kingsport, TN, US) |
Assignees: | Colorado School of Mines (Golden, CO, US) |
Claim: | 1. A method of oxidizing a subsurface non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) contaminant comprising: providing an effective amount of a solution comprising at least one sulfonated surfactant and at least one permanganate chemical oxidant; and introducing the solution to the subsurface NAPL contaminant to solubilize and oxidize the subsurface contaminant. |
Claim: | 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the non-aqueous phase liquid is a dense non-aqueous phase liquid. |
Claim: | 3. The method of claim 2 wherein the dense non-aqueous phase liquid is tetrachloroethene. |
Claim: | 4. The method of claim 1 wherein the solution further comprises a cosolvent or cosurfactant. |
Claim: | 5. The method of claim 4 wherein the at least one sulfonated surfactant is sodium dioctyl sulfocuccinate, the permanganate chemical oxidant is potassium permanganate and the cosolvent is tertiary butyl alcohol. |
Claim: | 6. The method of claim 1 , wherein less than 25% of the permanganate chemical oxidant oxidizes the surfactant in a 24 hour period. |
Claim: | 7. The method of claim 4 , wherein the co-surfactant is a sulfonated co-surfactant. |
Claim: | 8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sulfonated surfactant is selected from the group consisting of sodium dioctyl sulfocuccinate, disodium hexadecyl diphenyl oxide disulfonate, sodium dodecyl sulfate and C16 linear sodium diphenyl oxide sulfonate. |
Claim: | 9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the permanganate chemical oxidant is selected from sodium permanganate and potassium permanganate. |
Claim: | 10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solution further comprises a sulfonated cosurfactant. |
Claim: | 11. The method of claim 10 , wherein the sulfonated surfactant is selected from the group consisting of sodium dioctyl sulfocuccinate, disodium hexadecyl diphenyl oxide disulfonate, sodium dodecyl sulfate and C16 linear sodium diphenyl oxide sulfonate. |
Claim: | 12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the sulfonated cosurfactant is selected from the group consisting of sodium dioctyl sulfocuccinate, disodium hexadecyl diphenyl oxide disulfonate, sodium dodecyl sulfate and C16 linear sodium diphenyl oxide sulfonate. |
Current U.S. Class: | 40512/875 |
Patent References Cited: | 6099206 August 2000 Pennell 6158924 December 2000 Athens et al. 6261029 July 2001 Miller 6913419 July 2005 Shiau 2002/0179530 December 2002 Cowdery et al. 2003/0175081 September 2003 Shiau 2005/0263454 December 2005 Sorenson, Jr. WO 2007/126779 November 2007 |
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Primary Examiner: | Kreck, John |
Attorney, Agent or Firm: | Dorsey & Whitney LLP |
رقم الانضمام: | edspgr.07553105 |
قاعدة البيانات: | USPTO Patent Grants |
الوصف غير متاح. |