Method for monitoring a system for delivering secondary air to the exhaust gas of an internal combustion engine

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Method for monitoring a system for delivering secondary air to the exhaust gas of an internal combustion engine
Patent Number: 5,526,642
تاريخ النشر: June 18, 1996
Appl. No: 08/345,389
Application Filed: November 18, 1994
مستخلص: A method for monitoring a system for delivering secondary air to an exhaust tube of an internal combustion engine. In the method a secondary air pump is switched on and builds up a pressure on the inlet side of a blocking valve which is normally closed and not being acted upon. The blocking valve has a valve closing member that is acted upon by a predetermined closing force of an elastic element. If the secondary air quantity pumped by the secondary air pump reaches a certain minimum air quantity and pressure, then with the then-opened blocking valve, a lambda sensor disposed in an exhaust tube detects a change in the lambda value in the exhaust tube that exceeds a predetermined threshold value. The method is suitable for monitoring the function of a system for delivering secondary air to the exhaust tube of an internal combustion engine.
Inventors: Dambach, Dieter-Andreas (Stuttgart, DEX); Frank, Rainer (Sachsenheim, DEX); Mezger, Manfred (Markgroeningen-Unterriex, DEX)
Assignees: Robert Bosch GmbH (Stuttgart, DEX)
Claim: What is claimed and desired to be secured by Letters Patent of the United States is
Claim: 1. A method for monitoring a system for delivering secondary air to an internal combustion engine, which includes operating a secondary air pump, conducting secondary air into an exhaust tube upstream of a lambda sensor disposed therein via a triggerable blocking valve that includes a valve closing member, switching the secondary air pump (12) on while the blocking valve (13, 13') is normally closed and not triggered; directing the secondary air in an opening direction of the valve closing member (30) counter to a closing force to open the blocking valve (13, 13'); opening the blocking valve, directing secondary air into the exhaust tube (5) causing a change in a lambda value in an exhaust gas, and detecting a change in the lambda value by a lambda sensor (10), and determining that proper functioning of the system is taking place whenever the detected lambda change exceeds a predetermined threshold value, so that the secondary air pump (12) pumps a minimum air quantity to the exhaust tube.
Current U.S. Class: 60/274; 60/276; 60/277; 60/289
Current International Class: F01N 322
Patent References Cited: 4200071 April 1980 Maurer
5119631 June 1992 Kayanuma
5136842 August 1992 Achleitner
Primary Examiner: Hart, Douglas
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Greigg, Edwin E.
Greigg, Ronald E.
رقم الانضمام: edspgr.05526642
قاعدة البيانات: USPTO Patent Grants