Air suspension system for the rear end of a motor home

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Air suspension system for the rear end of a motor home
Patent Number: 4,580,798
تاريخ النشر: April 08, 1986
Appl. No: 06/670,204
Application Filed: November 13, 1984
مستخلص: An air suspension system for the rear end of a motor home including a pair of longitudinally extending frames having a transversely extending axle housing positioned below the frames. The air suspension system comprises a pair of generally L-shaped arms pivotally secured at the forward ends thereof to the frame. An air bag is secured to the rearward end of each of the L-shaped arms and extends upwardly therefrom. The upper ends of the air bags are secured to laterally extending brackets which are secured to the frames. Each of the L-shaped arms are secured to the axle housing for movement therewith. An air pump is provided for supplying air to the interiors of the air bags as required. A level control is operatively connected to each of the L-shaped arms for sensing relative movement between the arms and the associated frame for controlling the flow of air into and out of the air bag.
Inventors: Roelofs, Robert E. (Edgerton, MN)
Claim: I claim
Claim: 1. An improved suspension system for the rear end of a conventional vehicle chassis of the type including a pair of longitudinally extending frames having rearward and forward ends, a transversely extending axle housing positioned below said frames and having an axle thereon with wheels secured to the outer ends thereof, and including a leaf spring for biasing said axle housing away from each of said frames, each said leaf spring being pivotally connected at its front end to said frames, the rear portion of each said spring having been removed, the improvement comprising
Claim: a generally L-shaped arm secured to the front portion of each said spring, each of said L-shaped arms comprising an elongated upper portion having rearward and forward ends, and a downwardly extending portion at the rearward end thereof
Claim: each of said L-shaped arms being secured to said axle housing
Claim: an air bag means secured to the rearward end of each of said L-shaped arms
Claim: each of said air bag means having upper and lower ends, the lower end of each of said bag means being operatively secured to one of said downwardly extending portions, the upper end of each of said bag means being operatively secured to one of said frames
Claim: an air pump means for supplying air to the interiors of said air bag means
Claim: and control means operatively connected to at least one of said frames and at least one of said L-shaped arms for controlling the flow of air into and out of said air bag means in response to angular changes between said one frame and said one arm.
Claim: 2. The structure of claim 1 wherein said vehicle chassis has a motor home mounted thereon.
Claim: 3. The structure of claim 1 wherein an air tank and said air pump means are mounted between said frames adjacent the forward ends of said L-shaped arms.
Claim: 4. The structure of claim 3 wherein said downwardly extending portions of said arms extend downwardly and rearwardly, and wherein a plate is secured to and extends rearwardly from the lower end of said downwardly extending portions, the lower ends of said air bag means being mounted on said plate.
Claim: 5. The structure of claim 4 wherein a laterally extending bracket is secured to each of said frames above one of said plates, the upper ends of said air bag means being secured to said brackets.
Claim: 6. The structure of claim 1 wherein said control means comprises a pair of level gauges operatively mounted on said frames, each of said gauges having a control arm secured thereto and which is also secured to one of said L-shaped arms for sensing relative movement between the said one frame and the said one arm.
Claim: 7. The structure of claim 1 wherein a transversely extending torque arm is secured to and extends between one of said frames and the L-shaped arm which is positioned adjacent the other frame.
Claim: 8. The method of improving the suspension system for the rear end of a conventional vehicle chassis of the type including a pair of longitudinally extending frames having rearward and forward ends, a transversely extending axle housing positioned below said frame and having an axle thereon with wheels secured to the outer ends thereof, and including a leaf spring for biasing said axle housing away from each of said frames, each said leaf spring being connected to said axle housing and pivotally connected at its front end and rear end to said frames, comprising the steps of
Claim: disconnecting the rear end of said conventional leaf springs from said frames;
Claim: disconnecting the axle housing from said leaf springs;
Claim: removing the rear portion of each said leaf spring from the front portion thereof;
Claim: securing a generally L-shaped arm to the front portion of each said leaf spring, each of said L-shaped arms comprising an elongated upper portion having rearward and forward ends, and a downwardly extending portion at the rearward end thereof;
Claim: securing each of said L-shaped arms to said axle housing;
Claim: operatively securing an air bag means to the rearward end of each of said L-shaped arms;
Claim: operatively securing the lower end of each of said air bag means to one of said downwardly extending portions of said L-shaped arms;
Claim: operatively securing the upper end of each of said air bag means to one of said frames;
Claim: securing an air pump means to said frames for supplying air to the interiors of said air bag means;
Claim: and operatively connecting control means to at least one of said frames and at least one of said L-shaped arms for controlling the flow of air into and out of said air bag means in response to angular changes between said one frame and said one arm.
Current U.S. Class: 280/6R; 280/698; 280/712; 280/714; 280DIG1
Current International Class: B62D 3700
Patent References Cited: 2964311 December 1960 Stelzer
2969990 January 1961 Szostak
3043607 July 1962 Ruffle
3071394 January 1963 Miller
3099461 July 1963 Stelzer
3181853 May 1965 Howell
3181854 May 1965 Backlund
3181877 May 1965 McHenry
Primary Examiner: Love, John J.
Assistant Examiner: Rice, Kenneth R.
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Zarley, McKee, Thomte, Voorhees & Sease
رقم الانضمام: edspgr.04580798
قاعدة البيانات: USPTO Patent Grants