Method and apparatus for degassing liquids

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Method and apparatus for degassing liquids
Patent Number: 3,961,918
تاريخ النشر: June 08, 1976
Appl. No: 05/457,920
Application Filed: April 04, 1974
مستخلص: An improved method and apparatus for degassing liquids which includes exposing a liquid containing entrained and dissolved gases to an improved degassing member. The degassing member is composed of a finely entwined porous material having physical properties causing the entrained and dissolved gases to coalesce near the surface of said member while allowing the degassed liquid to pass through said member.
Inventors: Johnson, Thomas B. (Minneapolis, MN)
Claim: I claim
Claim: 1. An improved degassing apparatus for use with artificial kidney machines for obtaining gas-free dialysis liquid for use in said artificial kidney machines, said degassing apparatus comprising
Claim: housing means defining a hollow interior;
Claim: a generally cylindrical degassing member mounted in said housing and cooperating therewith to divide said interior into the outer and inner chambers, said degassing member having outer and inner surfaces each defining a wall of said outer and inner chambers respectively;
Claim: means for supplying a liquid containing entrained and dissolved air to said outer chamber for exposure to the outer surface of said degassing member, and for passage through said degassing member only into said inner chamber;
Claim: said degassing member being constructed of finely entwined porous epoxy resin having physical properties and density sufficient to cause the entrained and dissolved air in the liquid to coalesce near the outer surface of the degassing member as the result of the passage of said liquid only through said degassing member;
Claim: and vent means including a float valve in said housing means for discharge of air from said outer chamber, said float valve being disposed to prevent escape of liquid through said vent means;
Claim: said housing defining a passageway for discharge of degassed liquid from said inner chamber.
Claim: 2. The improved degassing apparatus of claim 1 wherein the density of said degassing member is greater than 8.0 microns, but not more than 0.3 microns.
Current U.S. Class: 55/170; 55/196; 55/510
Current International Class: B01D 1900; B01D 3916
Patent References Cited: 3007334 November 1961 Pall
3406826 October 1968 Willock
3523408 August 1970 Rosenberg
3528550 September 1970 Cappelen, Jr.
3567631 March 1971 Lukach
Primary Examiner: Hart, Charles N.
Assistant Examiner: Burks, Richard W
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Merchant, Gould, Smith, Edell, Welter & Schmidt
رقم الانضمام: edspgr.03961918
قاعدة البيانات: USPTO Patent Grants