Extending SIMPLEx-Class Mission Opportunities to the Outer Solar System

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Extending SIMPLEx-Class Mission Opportunities to the Outer Solar System
المؤلفون: Kunio M Sayanagi, Cindy L Young, Robert Wilkes Ebert, Morgan L Cable, Matthew S Tiscareno, Matthew McKay Hedman, David H Atkinson, Olivier Mousis
بيانات النشر: United States: NASA Center for Aerospace Information (CASI), 2020.
سنة النشر: 2020
مصطلحات موضوعية: Spacecraft Design, Testing And Performance
الوصف: We demonstrate that a low-cost spacecraft bus based on the Propulsive ESPA architecture, launched as a directed facility alongside a mission to the outer solar system, enables innovative and viable SIMPLEx-class missions to the outer solar system and achieve high-value science objectives. As a case study, we present a Propulsive ESPA bus that could be launched with the Dragonfly mission toward the Saturn System and carry two small spacecraft weighing up to 130 kg each. We advocate a mission architecture that enables delivering multiple small missions to the Saturn System on a stand-alone Carrier-Relay Spacecraft (CRSC) that flies independently, and poses zero impact on the Dragonfly Mission. To accommodate this architecture, the launch vehicle will require an upgrade from Dragonfly's notional Atlas V 411 to Atlas V 541. Raising the SIMPLEx cost cap from the current $55M, and excluding Phase E costs will also make outer-planet missions viable in the SIMPLEx program. We have identified multiple high-value mission concepts that fit within the 130 kg limit. As examples, we present concepts for Saturn Probe, Saturn Ring In-Situ Explorer, Magnetospheric Explorer, and Enceladus Plume Sampler.
نوع الوثيقة: Report
اللغة: English
URL الوصول: https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/20200004251
ملاحظات: 432938.
رقم الانضمام: edsnas.20200004251
قاعدة البيانات: NASA Technical Reports