Academic Journal

OS-2 A Study on the Integration-oriented Design and Operation to Optimize of the Air-conditioning system Performance : Part 3: Technique For Optimal Chiller Selection

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: OS-2 A Study on the Integration-oriented Design and Operation to Optimize of the Air-conditioning system Performance : Part 3: Technique For Optimal Chiller Selection / OS-2 空調システムの最適化を目的とした統合的設計と運転に関する研究 : (第3報) 冷凍機の台数分割手法
المؤلفون: Osamu TAKADA, Tomoaki SATO, Yoh MATSUO, Yoshihiko TANAKA, Yuzo SAKAMOTO, 佐藤 友昭, 坂本 雄三, 松尾 陽, 田中 良彦, 高田 修
المصدر: Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan. 2008, :225
قاعدة البيانات: J-STAGE