Academic Journal

Effects on pedestrians of deceleration behavior of automated driving bus and external HMI presenting intention to yield

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Effects on pedestrians of deceleration behavior of automated driving bus and external HMI presenting intention to yield / 自動運転バスの減速挙動と外向けHMIによる譲り意図の提示が歩行者へ与える影響
المؤلفون: Ai NAGAHASHI, Bo YANG, Kento OOE, Kimihiko NAKANO, Riku KITAMURA, Tetsuo MAKI, Toshiaki SAKURAI, Toshiyuki SUGIMACHI, 中野 公彦, 北村 陸, 大江 健斗, 杉町 敏之, 楊 波, 槇 徹雄, 櫻井 俊彰, 長橋 愛
المصدر: The Proceedings of the Transportation and Logistics Conference. 2020, :1005
قاعدة البيانات: J-STAGE