Academic Journal

Study on multiple injection diesel spray behaviors in piston cavity and combustion characteristics by means of rapid compression and expansion machine

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Study on multiple injection diesel spray behaviors in piston cavity and combustion characteristics by means of rapid compression and expansion machine / 急速圧縮膨張装置を用いた多段噴射ディーゼル噴霧のピストンキャビティ内挙動と燃焼特性に関する研究
المؤلفون: Chengyuan FAN, Daoyuan WANG, Keiya NISHIDA, Youichi OGATA, 尾形 陽一, 王 道遠, 範 程遠, 西田 恵哉
المصدر: The Proceedings of Conference of Chugoku-Shikoku Branch. 2020, :06
قاعدة البيانات: J-STAGE