Academic Journal

Studies on the Lipid-Transfer Between the Body Compartments (1) Estimation Procedure of Cholesterol Translocation Between α- and β-Lipoproteins, and Some Factors Influencing the Translocation

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Studies on the Lipid-Transfer Between the Body Compartments (1) Estimation Procedure of Cholesterol Translocation Between α- and β-Lipoproteins, and Some Factors Influencing the Translocation / 血清のα, βリポ画分間脂質移動に関する研究
المؤلفون: Kazumasa HADA, Kiyomi OZASA, Shinji NAKAJIMA, Shoko NAKANO, 中島 信治, 中野 祥子, 小笹 貴代美, 羽田 和正
المصدر: 動脈硬化 / The Journal of Japan Atherosclerosis Society. 1986, 13(6):1317
قاعدة البيانات: J-STAGE