Academic Journal

A Study on the Life-Saving Impact of Tsukuba City Government's Sharing Cardiac Arrest Patient Location Data with AED Superintendents —Focusing on the Impact of Collaboration-based Problem Solving Generated by Government Data Sharing—

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: A Study on the Life-Saving Impact of Tsukuba City Government's Sharing Cardiac Arrest Patient Location Data with AED Superintendents —Focusing on the Impact of Collaboration-based Problem Solving Generated by Government Data Sharing— / つくば市による心肺停止傷病者発生位置情報の最寄AED管理者との共有が生み出す協働による救命効果に関する研究 ―公共部門の内部データの外部共有が生み出す協働による問題解決効果に着眼して―
المؤلفون: Hiroichi Kawashima, Ryosuke Suzuki, Tomokazu Arita, 川島 宏一, 有田 智一, 鈴木 良介
المصدر: 計画行政 / Planning and Public Management. 2018, 41(3):33
قاعدة البيانات: J-STAGE