Academic Journal

Intraspecific variations of mitochondrial DNA sequences in Stereophaedusa japonica from central and western Japan and phylogenetic position of newly discovered specimens from Nagoya, central Japan.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Intraspecific variations of mitochondrial DNA sequences in Stereophaedusa japonica from central and western Japan and phylogenetic position of newly discovered specimens from Nagoya, central Japan. / 遺伝子解析に基づく中部・西日本産ナミギセルStereophaedusa japonica 個体群の種内多様性と名古屋市の個体群の系統的位置づけ
المؤلفون: Akihiko MORIYAMA, Kazuhisa NISHIO, Mieko SUZUKI-MATSUBARA, Motohiro KAWASE, Takashi ICHIHARA, Yoshinori KUMAZAWA, 川瀬 基弘, 市原 俊, 松原 美恵子, 森山 昭彦, 熊澤 慶伯, 西尾 和久
المصدر: なごやの生物多様性 / Bulletin of Nagoya Biodiversity Center. 2018, 5:11
قاعدة البيانات: J-STAGE