Don Joaquin Josef de Vargas, of the Council of S.M., his Secretary, Chamber Notary, of the Royal Agreement and Presidency of the Audience and Chancery residing in the City of Granada...

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Don Joaquin Josef de Vargas, of the Council of S.M., his Secretary, Chamber Notary, of the Royal Agreement and Presidency of the Audience and Chancery residing in the City of Granada...
Don Joaquin Josef de Vargas, del Consejo de S.M., su Secretario, Escribano de Cámara, del Real Acuerdo y Presidencia de la Audiencia y Chancillería que reside en la Ciudad de Granada ...
المؤلفون: Carles IV,, Munoz, Bartholomew, Vargas, Joaquín Josef de, Spain. Monarch (1788-1808: Carles IV), Muñoz, Bartolomé, Espanya. Monarca (1788-1808 : Carles IV)
قاعدة البيانات: Europeana