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Elyssa Rosenthal,1 James O’Neil,1 Briggs Hoyt,2 Matthew Howard3 1Department of Ophthalmology, Phoenix Children’s, Phoenix, AZ, USA; 2Department of Ophthalmology, Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, IL, USA; 3Cleveland Clinic Neurology Residency Program, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USACorrespondence: Elyssa Rosenthal, Department of Ophthalmology, Phoenix Children’s, 1919 E Thomas Road, Phoenix, AZ, 85016, USA, Tel +1 602 933-1000, Email erosenthal1@phoenixchildrens.comPurpose: To assess the inter-rater test reliability of the EyeSpy Mobile visual acuity smartphone algorithm when administered to children by eye professionals and parent volunteers.Patients and Methods: Visual acuity test-retest results were analyzed for 106 children assigned to one of three different screenings: (1) An eye technician and pediatric ophthalmologist using their typical visual acuity testing method on a M&S computer; (2) An eye technician and pediatric ophthalmologist using EyeSpy Mobile; (3) An eye technician and parent volunteer using EyeSpy Mobile.Results: All three phases demonstrated a strong agreement between the two testers, with mean test-retest equivalency results within 0.05 logMAR (2.5 letters, 90% CI). Whether testing using their typical technique on an M&S computer or using EyeSpy Mobile, eye professionals obtained statistically closer mean test-retest results than parent volunteers by 1 letter, with equivalency results within 0.03 logMAR (1.5 letters, 90% CI). Conversely, the number of retests within 2 vision lines was statistically greater when EyeSpy mobile was used by parents as compared to eye professional’s customary technique on the M&S computer.Conclusion: EyeSpy Mobile provides clinically useful visual acuity test-retest results even when used by first-time parent volunteers. Adaptive visual acuity algorithms have the potential to improve reliability, lessen training requirements, and expand the number of vision screening volunteers in community settings.Keywords: EyeSpy Mobile, M&S computer, visual acuity, vision screening, adaptive algorithm |