The impact assessment of quality parameters of coal and waste rock on the value of mining investment projects – hard coal deposits

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: The impact assessment of quality parameters of coal and waste rock on the value of mining investment projects – hard coal deposits
المؤلفون: Kopacz, M.
المصدر: Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi.
مصطلحات موضوعية: hard coal mining, mining assets, geological assets, economics assessment, simulating model, coal output, output contamination, calorific value, sulphur content, ash content, górnictwo węgla kamiennego, aktywa geologiczne, aktywa górnicze, model symulacyjny, uzysk węgla, zanieczyszczenie urobku, wartość opałowa, zawartość siarki, zawartość popiołu
الوصف: The paper is an attempt to assess the impact of geological and mining parameters on revenues, costs and the value of investment projects in the hard coal mining industry. The article reflects the author’s conviction that the factors significantly determining revenues, costs and effectiveness of exploitation should include, in addition to coal quality parameters, the net coal output. Excluding or reducing the influence of quality parameters of coal in seams and the impact of coal output on the progress and production costs can significantly hamper the assessment of the potential (economic value) of specific geological and mining assets. This applies particularly to mining activities in new mining areas and deposits. The studies were conducted with the use of a dedicated simulation model allowing for the measurement of the direction and strength of the impact of the net calorific value, ash and sulphur content and net coal output (coal yield) on the amount and variability of revenues, costs and, finally, the value of geological and mining projects. For this purpose, the author’s formulas for estimating fixed and variable costs as a function of variable net coal output (coal yield) were also developed. The results of the studies were presented as scenario analysis. […]
نوع الوثيقة: Article
اللغة: English
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رقم الانضمام: edsbzt.bwmeta1.element.baztech.8adbbbcc.7140.48c0.b730.6ef3bd1fc311
قاعدة البيانات: BazTech