Laboratory evaluation of rubber linings used in flue gas desulphurization plants by the gravimetric method and impedance spectroscopy

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Laboratory evaluation of rubber linings used in flue gas desulphurization plants by the gravimetric method and impedance spectroscopy
المؤلفون: Drela, I., Masalski, J., Nitsch, K., Piasecki, T., Szczygieł, B.
المصدر: Archiwum Energetyki.
مصطلحات موضوعية: odsiarczanie spalin, metoda grawimetryczna, metoda spektroskopii impedancyjnej, wykładzina gumowa, materiał powłokowy, flue gases desulphurization, gravimetric method, impedance spectroscopy method, rubber linings, lining material
الوصف: Special cells made of austenitic steel were employed to carry out accelerated tests of lining materials in the autoclave at elevated temperature and at a pressure gradient along the sample’s thickness. The tests were carried out on three kinds of rubber linings: prevulcanized soft two-ply lining based on bromobutyl rubber, selfvulcanizing two-ply lining based on bromobutyl rubber and prevulcanized lining based on chlorobutyl rubber. Distilled water, 1 % aqueous solution of HCl and aqueous solution containing 50 g/dm3 of sulphuric acid and 26 g/dm3 of sodium bisulphate (IV) were used as the working medium in the tests. The temperature of the working medium in the autoclave was kept at 110±2°C and the sample exposure time amounted to 48 hours. The change in the mass of the samples after the proper time of exposure in the autoclave was determined by the gravimetric method. A measuring system made up of an Agilent 4294A high-frequency impedance analyzer and a low-frequency impedance analyzer with a Keithley 428 current/voltage transducer was used to perform measurements in a frequency range from 0.1 mHz to 10 MHz at activation with an voltage amplitude of 1 V[RMS]. The impedance measurement results show that despite the severe corrosive conditions in the autoclave and the gain in the mass of the samples, the tested coating materials did not undergo significant degradation during their exposure and keep good dielectric and protective properties.
نوع الوثيقة: Article
اللغة: English
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رقم الانضمام: edsbzt.bwmeta1.element.baztech.1998fd43.bac1.49f3.b6b6.78c541c93e3a
قاعدة البيانات: BazTech