Academic Journal

樂生願 - 台灣漢生病患的家園保衛戰 ; The Home-Protecting Movement of Hansen’s Disease Patients in Taiwan

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: 樂生願 - 台灣漢生病患的家園保衛戰 ; The Home-Protecting Movement of Hansen’s Disease Patients in Taiwan
المؤلفون: 鐘聖雄, Jhong, Sheng-Shong
المساهمون: 范雲, 張蒼松, 臺灣大學:
سنة النشر: 2007
المجموعة: National Taiwan University Institutional Repository (NTUR)
مصطلحات موضوعية: 樂生, 痲瘋病, 漢生病, 社會運動, 認知解放, 共識動員, Lo-Sheng, Leprosy, Hansen’s Disease, Social Movement, Cognitive Liberation, Consensus Mobilization
الوصف: 樂生療養院成立於1930年台灣日據時期,是台灣唯一的官方漢生病(俗稱痲瘋病、癩病)強制隔離醫院。日本政府推動強制隔離政策時,誇大漢生病傳染力,強力對社會宣傳、教育痲瘋病的恐怖,並動用軍警力量及民間通報系統,將病患強制「逮捕」入院。這種在家人、朋友、街坊鄰居面前被公開逮捕、被送上運豬車載至病院的經驗,以及該政策所造成根深蒂固的污名,不僅造就了「聞癩色變」的社會,也使得漢生病患在1962年強制隔離措施解除之後,仍然無法回歸社會,造成「有家歸不得」的悲劇。 1994年,捷運新莊機廠在未與樂生院民溝通的狀態下,確定選址於樂生院。因應樂生院拆遷問題,衛生署承諾將提供平房或雙層樓低矮建築,以作為院民安置居所。2002年,樂生院方宣布將成立分為前後兩棟、樓高八層的「迴龍醫院」,並計畫將院民安置於該醫院的後棟五樓以上;原先承諾的平房安置計畫,也在未告知院民的狀態下跳票。 2004年,來自各大專院校的醫學生進駐樂生院,在傾聽院民不願搬遷的心聲後,成立青年樂生聯盟,協助院民策劃抗爭,並以古蹟與人權為訴求,期望達成「全區保留樂生院」的目的。 本研究由社會運動理論中的「認知解放」與「共識動員」概念出發,嘗試探究(一)樂生院民如何干冒風險投入抗爭(二)以學生為主的外來者透過何種方式與院民互動,並匯集能量掀起保留運動。此外,本論文也透過深度報導寫作方式,嘗試從歷史的脈絡出發,釐清樂生院民爭取家園保存的問題,何以成為官員口中的工程問題,並探討台灣社會如何看待樂生保留運動。 ; Lo–Sheng (which means Happy - Life) Leprosarium is the only official Leprosy quarantine hospital in Taiwan. It is founded on 1930, by the time Taiwan was still under Japanese–Occupying period. Japanese authority over evaluated the infection power of leprosy, so that they exaggerated the horror of leprosy while promoting this compulsory quarantine policy. They sent police to rescue patients, educated people to prosecute lepers by that time. Due to this kind of embarrassing and frustrating experience, most of the patients in Lo-Sheng dare not to leave the leprosarium even though the compulsory quarantine policy was ended on 1962. Without having any communication with Lo–Sheng patients, MRT Bureau picked this place as maintenance and storage factory for MRT trucks on 1994. In order to solve the coming deconstruction plan for the leprosarium, Department of Health promised to offer Lo-Sheng patients some low buildings for them to stay for the rest of their lives, but this promise was broken on 2002 when Lo-Sheng managing authority declared to build two 8-floor-building. These two building was titled as Hue-Long “Hospital”, only higher parts of the back building is opened for Lo-Sheng patients, and other parts are to serve community as a public hospital. Without any communication and notification, Lo-Sheng patients didn’t know this transit in advance at all. 2004, students from different medical ...
نوع الوثيقة: text
اللغة: Chinese
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رقم الانضمام: edsbas.FF7C9344
قاعدة البيانات: BASE