الوصف: |
Background. Negative topical therapy NTT is a relatively new technology, used in acute and chronic wounds that are difficult to manage by alternative methods. Complex wounds increase the rate of morbidity, mortality, overall costs and duration of treatment. Objective of the study. Studying the mechanisms of NTT, the variety of application techniques, by analyzing bibliographic sources. Material and Methods. Literary sources were analyzed, using Medline, PubMed, Google Scholar databases during 2000-2020 period. To identify the articles, the Romanian, Russian and English versions of the keywords with the selection of the publications were used. Results. Negative topical pressure reduces wound edge tension, provides perfusion support and protection against external sources of infection with a wound leakage rate of 3-8.6% compared to standard methods ndash; 16.5-25%. NTT ensures the rapid healing of venous ulcers compared to alternative methods 29 vs 45 days. Some randomized studies show that the haling of diabetic foot wounds by applying NTT compared to wet dressings is obtained in a higher proportion 56 vs 39%; 43.2 vs 28.9%. Intermittent, variable or continuous negative pressure therapy provides high results to wet dressings, reducing the wound surface and stimulating granulations. Conclusion. NTT ensures micro-macrodeformation of the wound, stimulates the formation of granulations, removes edema, optimizes the wound environment and reduces the inflammatory response in complex wounds ensuring a much faster healing compared to alternative methods ; Introducere. Terapia topică negativă TTN este o tehnologie relativ nouă, utilizată în plăgile acute și cronice, gestionate dificil prin metode alternative. Plăgile complexe cresc rata morbidității, mortalității, costurile generale și durata tratamentului. Scopul lucrării. Studierea mecanismelor terapiei topice negative, a varietății tehnicilor de aplicare, prin analiza surselor bibliografice. Material și Metode. Au fost căutate, accesate și analizate datele literaturii ... |