الوصف: |
Project report, technical report on the experimental phase of a project to aid self employed skilled worker in the urban area informal sector of Bamako, Mali through creation of decentralised workshops - describes activities relating to product development, commercialization, self financing, vocational training, management development, equipment, etc. ; self employed, skilled worker, urban area, informal economy, workshop, product development, commercialization, self financing, vocational training., management development, equipment, travailleur indépendant, travailleur qualifié, zone urbaine, économie informelle, atelier, mise au point de produits, commercialisation, autofinancement, formation professionnelle, formation à la gestion, équipement, trabajador independiente, trabajador especializado, zona urbana, economía informal, taller, desarrollo de productos, comercialización, autofinanciamiento, formación profesional, desarrollo gerencial, equipo |