Dissertation/ Thesis

新興市場中ESG新聞對股價的影響:基於AI的分析 ; The Impact of ESG News on Stock Prices in Emerging Markets: An AI-Based Analysis

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: 新興市場中ESG新聞對股價的影響:基於AI的分析 ; The Impact of ESG News on Stock Prices in Emerging Markets: An AI-Based Analysis
المؤلفون: 勞士杰, Lao, Shih-Chieh
المساهمون: 江彌修 呂桔誠, Chiang, Mi-Hsiu Lyu, Jye-Cherng
سنة النشر: 2024
المجموعة: National Chengchi University Institutional Repository (NCCUIR)
مصطلحات موضوعية: 人工智慧, 資料探勘, 新興市場, ESG, 新聞, 股價, 情緒分析, Artificial intelligence, Data mining, Emerging market, News, Stock price, Sentiment analysis
الوصف: 碩士 ; 國立政治大學 ; 國際金融碩士學位學程 ; 111ZB1002 ; 我使用資料探勘和生成式人工智慧來擷取和分析非結構化的公司 ESG 新聞,創建了一個資料集。其中,資料集包含 2005 年至 2023 年期間一新興市場國家市值排名前 50 名公司的 6,962 個公司對照日期的觀察結果。我再使用該資料集來研究股票價格對此新興市場中不同類型的 ESG 新聞的反應。我證實在新興市場中,正面新聞有正面的股價反應,負面新聞有負面的股價反應,而當事件引起更大的關注時,正面的新聞會產生負面的股價反應。股價反應對吸引更多關注並與商業模式和創新等議題相關的正面事件更為強烈。此外,我也證實對於同一產業沒有直接財務影響的正面新聞,負面股價反應最為強烈。人工智慧協助我得出的結論是,欲透過實踐 ESG 行動立即提高新興市場公司價值,它們必須增加現金流或降低風險。若情況並非如此,實踐 ESG 行動可能會在短期間內導致公司價值降低。 ; Using data mining and generative AI to capture and analyze unstructured firm-level ESG news, I create a dataset comprising 6,962 firm-day observations for the top 50 companies by market capitalization in an emerging market over the period 2005–2023. I then use the dataset to examine how stock prices react to different types of ESG news in an emerging market. I demonstrate that in emerging markets, there are positive price reactions to positive news and negative price reactions to negative news, and that positive news are met with negative price reactions when the event attracts greater awareness. The price reactions are stronger to positive events that attracts greater awareness and is related to issues such as business model and innovation. Furthermore, I show that the negative price reactions are the strongest for positive news without an immediate financial impact related to the same industry. With the assistance of AI, I conclude that for ESG initiatives to immediately enhance company value in emerging markets, they must lead to either increased cash flows or reduced risk. If that is not the case, ESG initiatives can lead to lower value for firms in the short term. ; Acknowledgements i Abstract ii Table of Contents iii List of Tables v 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Emerging Financial Market Environment 6 1.3 AI in Emerging Markets 8 2 Literature Review 10 3 Methodology 13 3.1 Data Collection 13 3.2 Sentiment and ESG Analysis 14 3.3 Other Data 16 3.4 Summary Statistics 17 3.5 Event-study with Regression Model and Panel Data 24 4 Empirical Results 25 4.1 Price Reactions to ESG News 25 4.2 Price ...
نوع الوثيقة: thesis
وصف الملف: 987012 bytes; application/pdf
اللغة: unknown
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الاتاحة: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw//handle/140.119/152836
رقم الانضمام: edsbas.F5AE219E
قاعدة البيانات: BASE