الوصف: |
Myodes glareolus is a forest species that can be met in woods, forest glades, in shrubs at the forest edge, in wet biotopes with tree and shrub vegetation. Parasitological investigations of the species revealed a prevalence of Plaghiorchis elegans with13.8%, of Mesocestoides lineatus larvae ndash; 14.0%, of Paranoplocephala omphaloides ndash; 10.3%, of Rodentolepis straminea ndash; 69.0%, of Hydatigera taeniaformis ndash; 10.3%, of Catenotaenia cricetorum ndash; 10.3%, of Skrjabinotaenia lobata ndash; 10.3%, of Taenia pisiphormis ndash; 13.7%, of Calodium hepaticum ndash; 27.5%, of Syphacia stroma ndash; 17.2%, of Syphacia obvelata ndash; 24.1%, of Heligmosomoides polygirus ndash; 10.0%, of Strongyloides ratti ndash; 6.9%, of Mastophorus muris ndash; 17.2% and of Trichocephalus muris with 17.2%. Taxonomically the parasite fauna is constituted from representatives of 4 classes, 12 families, 14 genera and 15 species. The diversity structure is formed by one parasite species from the class Trematoda Plaghiorchis elegans, by 7 species from the class Cestoda Skrjabinotaenia lobata, Catenotaenia cricetorum, Paranoplocephala omphaloides, Rodentolepis straminea, Hydatigera taeniaeformis, Taenia pisiformis, Mesocestoides lineatus, 5 species from the class Secernentea Syphacia stroma, Syphacia obvelata, Heligmosomoides polygirus, Mastophorus muris, Strongyloides ratti and 2 species from the class Adenophorea Trichuris muris, Calodium hepaticum. ; Myodes glareolus fiind o specie silvicolă se întâlnește în păduri luminoase poiene, în sectoare cu subarboret și la lizieră, pe terenuri umede de la marginea bălților, poate fi întâlnit în depozite și locuințele oamenilor. Investigarea parazitologică a speciei respective pune în evidență o prevalență cu Plaghiorchis elegans de 13,8%, respectiv cu Mesocestoides lineatus larvae - 14,0%, Paranoplocephala omphaloides ndash; 10,3%, Rodentolipis straminea ndash; 69,0%, Hydatigera taenieaformis ndash; 10,3%, Catenotaenia cricetorum ndash; 10,3%, Skrjabinotaenia lobata ndash; 10 ,3%, ... |