Dissertation/ Thesis
由語⾔學習者到語⾔教師的英雄之旅:質性個案研究 ; A Qualitative Case Study on an EFL Teacher’s Heroic Journey from Learning to Teaching English
العنوان: | 由語⾔學習者到語⾔教師的英雄之旅:質性個案研究 ; A Qualitative Case Study on an EFL Teacher’s Heroic Journey from Learning to Teaching English |
المؤلفون: | 張鈺婷, Chang, Yu-Ting |
المساهمون: | 招靜琪, Chao, Chin-Chi |
سنة النشر: | 2024 |
المجموعة: | National Chengchi University Institutional Repository (NCCUIR) |
مصطلحات موضوعية: | 英雄之旅, 高中英語老師, 語言教師能動性, 語言教師專業發展, 個案研究, 教師甄選制度, hero’s journey, senior high school English teacher, language teacher agency, teacher’s professional development, qualitative case study, eacher screening system |
الوصف: | 碩士 ; 國立政治大學 ; 英語教學碩士在職專班 ; 108951006 ; 在臺灣的教育體制下,修讀教育學程畢業的師資生,畢業後往往都有一個共同的目標,考上公立學校成為一名正式老師,然而這個過程並不簡單。本研究目的主要在探討一位老師從英語學習者成為正式高中英文教師的總總輾轉歷程,包含她的語言學習經歷、教學經歷。她多次嘗試參與各地的教甄考試,一再朝自己的理想前行,有如進行一段屬於自己的英雄之旅。本個案研究主要採用兩種方法:一、敘事訪談:研究對象在訪談中闡述自己的英語學習經驗至成為老師的教學經驗。二、半結構式訪談:針對研究對象不同的階段,研究者提出問題,研究對象再進一步分享。資料分析部分採用Braun 及Clarke( 2006)的主題分析方法。研究結果發現,這名教師成為她理想中正式高中英文老師的輾轉經歷當以Joseph Campbell(1949) 英雄之旅的概念,採階段性地方式呈現時發現,旅程當中的實踐社群及教師能動性(agency) 扮演了關鍵角色。最後,根據研究分析結果提供師資教學建議、教師甄選制度的反思以及未來研究的方向。 ; Achieving the goal of becoming a formal teacher in a public school is a common aspiration among graduates of teacher education programs in Taiwan. However, the process to achieve this goal is often challenging. In this regard, a case study was conducted to explore the journey of a teacher who transitioned from being a language learner to a formal high school English teacher, including her English learning experience, teaching experience, and her struggles through multiple teacher screening examinations. The study utilized two data collection methods: 1) narrative interviews, in which the participant shared her English learning and teaching experiences, and 2) semi-structured interviews, in which the researcher asked questions related to different stages of the participant's journey. Data analysis was conducted using Braun and Clarke's (2006) thematic analysis method. The study discovered that the participant's journey to becoming a formal senior high school English teacher of her dream can be framed in the stages originated by Joseph Campbell's (1949) concept of “The Hero's Journey”, with the community of practice(CoP) and teacher agency playing crucial roles. Based on the results of the analysis, the study provided pedagogical suggestions for teacher educators, a review of the teacher selection system, and some follow-up research directions. ; 碩士論文摘要 vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 LITERATURE REVIEW 3 English Teacher Screening System in Taiwan 3 Community of Practice (CoP) 7 The Hero’s Journey 11 Teacher Agency 17 METHODOLOGY 21 Context and ... |
نوع الوثيقة: | thesis |
وصف الملف: | 1019852 bytes; application/pdf |
اللغة: | unknown |
ردمك: | 978-0-10-895100-8 0-10-895100-6 |
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Charlotte, NC: Information Age.; G0108951006; https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw//handle/140.119/152888; https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/bitstream/140.119/152888/1/100601.pdf |
الاتاحة: | https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw//handle/140.119/152888 https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/bitstream/140.119/152888/1/100601.pdf |
رقم الانضمام: | edsbas.F1E2D552 |
قاعدة البيانات: | BASE |
ردمك: | 9780108951008 0108951006 |