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本研究計畫擬考察日本歷史上武士之妻女形象的文化內涵、型態與轉變,名之為 「女武士道」,特指「出身在武士家庭之妻女,發揮出女性的武德倫理或武士之 模範精神。」他們或以軍事武勇成就自己勇悍的形象,或以犧牲自己性命的殉節 方式成就兒子或丈夫的武業或守護武門家風不可辱的形象。以上是屬於剛強堅貞 的一面,但另一面作為武士之妻女復有柔性的一面,特需學習諸多才藝以為家庭 社交之娛樂,調和家庭氣氛,故自小需歷經嚴格的教養,學習如何成為妻子與母 親的典範。本研究計畫除了探究日本歷史上有名的女武士道的典範代表與類型內 涵,亦擬窺探明治維新以後雖無武士階級,但透過戲劇、小說乃至國家政治宣傳 等各層面,建構出各種「女武士道」的多元形象與轉變。故本研究擬以兩年為期, 第一年歸納女武士道的形象類型並分析其特殊精神內涵,第二年則扣緊近現代影 視或戲劇小說傳播中的女武士道之多元形象與轉變,窺探其被「物語化」(故事 化)的過程與時代意義。無論是歷史的或是透過戲劇小說及政治宣傳,都不免涉 及到對歷史人物形象的建構意圖,本研究將從縱向的歷史脈絡與橫向的文化連結 之交互詮釋與辯證關係,深探「女武士道」在日本社會文化的特殊內涵與轉變意 義。 ; This research intends to study the cultural connotations, types, and transformations of the image of samurai’s wives and daughters in Japanese history. The so-called “female samurai” specifically refers to “the wives and daughters from samurai families who practice female warrior ethics or even embody the spirit of the samurai”. They either created the image of courage and intrepidity for themselves by their own daring military accomplishments, or that of the guardian of the family reputation by laying down their lives for the samurai career of their sons or husbands. Apart from their staunch and unyielding side, female samurai also had a warm, gentle side as well. To create a pleasant, welcoming atmosphere at home, they were obligated to learn a wide array of arts and skills to provide amusement and recreation for home social occasions. Owing to such expectations of women, all female samurai had to undergo strict and intensive training starting from an early age so that they could be cultivated into model wives and mothers. The scope of this study is limited to neither the archetypal female samurai, well-known in Japanese history, nor other historical varieties derived from the archetype and their connotations. New ideas of the female samurai emerging after the Meiji Restoration will also be examined. Though the samurai class was nonexistent during this period, yet through influences such as drama, fiction, and even the dissemination of political propaganda, the image of “female samurai” went through a series ... |