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碩士 ; 材料科學工程學系 ; 本研究以蠶絲蛋白作為閘極介電層,選用N型半導體材料PTCDI-C8和F16CuPc,製作有機薄膜電晶體(Organic Thin Film Transistors, OTFTs),探討電晶體特性。在文獻探討中,PTCDI-C8和F16CuPc的製作皆沉積於SiO2上,此種有機薄膜電晶體屬於不可撓曲的元件。本研究選擇PET作為基板,搭配蠶絲蛋白介電層和有機半導體材料,使元件具有可撓曲特性,並分析其電性。 在PTCDI-C8 方面,其載子遷移率為0.08 cm2V-1s-1,Ion/Ioff為6.1x103,雖載子遷移率沒有大於文獻中最高的1.3 cm2V-1s-1,但其臨界電壓(Threshold voltage)約2.4 V遠小於其在SiO2上製作的元件。 N-type材料F16CuPc,優點在於能在大氣環境下保有其元件特性不變。文獻中將F16CuPc沉積於SiO2上,且基板溫度固定於125oC,所得載子遷移率為0.03 cm2V-1s-1。本實驗將F16CuPc於室溫下蒸鍍,沉積於蠶絲蛋白介電層上,其載子遷移率提升至0.33 cm2V-1s-1,且臨界電壓只有1.5 volt。此外,文獻中若在室溫下沉積F16CuPc,其載子遷移率只有0.005 cm2V-1s-1,故可看出在蠶絲蛋白介電層上成長F16CuPc能有效明顯提升其載子遷移率。 ; In this thesis, we have used silk fibroin as the gate dielectric layer and chosen PTCDI-C8 and F16CuPc as N-type semiconductor materials to fabricate organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs). PTCDI-C8 and F16CuPc were usually deposited on SiO2 in the fabrication of OTFTs. In the present work, PET was used as the substrate and silk fibroin as gate dielectric layer for flexible OTFTs. The device characteristics of N-type organic semiconductors were analyzed. The field-effect mobility (FE) value and on/off current ratio of PTCDI-C8 TFTs are 0.08 cm2V-1s-1 and 6.1x103, respectively. Although the FE value of PTCDI-C8 TFTs is less than the previously reported value of 1.3 cm2V-1s-1, the threshold voltage is 2.4 V much less than the reported value of ~ 10 V of OTFTs on SiO2/Si. F16CuPc is a n-type semiconductor material with air stability. We deposited F16CuPc onto silk fibroin at room temperature. The FE value of F16CuPc TFTs is 0.33 cm2V-1s-1 and the threshold voltage is 1.5 V. In contrast, the FE value of F16CuPc TFTs is only 0.005 cm2V-1s-1 if F16CuPc is deposited on SiO2 at room temperature. Furthermore, the FE value is 0.03 cm2V-1s-1 when F16CuPc is deposited on SiO2 at 125oC. It is very effective to enhance the mobility of F16CuPc TFTs by using silk fibroin as gate dielectric layer. |