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碩士 ; 大型晶圓廠無塵室的特殊製程空間,不能沿用一般廠房的排煙系統與設計概念,再加上晶圓製程使用了大量的有毒化學以及易燃物質,以國內目前所訂定的防火規範,看似沒有辦法做到有效防護;並且在無塵室發生火災的同時,為使工作人員逃生所以向下氣流空調系統FFU(Fan Filter Unit)不能馬上關閉,此結果也會使火災濃煙更加迅速的擴散,造成更大的生命財產上的損失。 本研究首先依據NFPA92A/92B,以及美國聯邦標準FS 209E規定FFU速度低於0.45m/s,並且依據Klote的穩定火源設計的基準量,假定火源為2000KW,使用美國NIST的Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS)火災動態模擬軟體,並且利用多重網格銜接技術,去模擬現實尺寸長寬高為168m、78m、14m的大型無塵室空間,並且進一步探討全域火災流場動態。 研究結果發現,在大型空間中可燃物有限的最小火源2000KW下,根據NIST提供的火災特徵長度(characteristic fire diameter) 關係式,格點體積為0.125m x 0.125m x 0.125m,其模擬溫度會與實驗之回歸公式相同,全部格點數量為5630784個,其火源還是可以輕易影響FFU正常工作,進而破壞整體流場,使其流場產生紊流流場,延長懸浮粒子在FAB層的滯留時間,造成更大的損失。 ; Large-scale wafer fab clean room space of the special manufacturing process, can’t follow the general plant and the smoke extraction system design concepts, and wafer manufacturing process using a large number of toxic chemicals and flammable substances, Domestic current norms laid down by the fire, There is no way appears to be effective protection; And fire in the clean room at the same time, To enable staff to escape the downward airflow so the air-conditioning system FFU (Fan Filter Unit) can’t be shut down, the result of fire smoke would spread more rapidly, resulting in more lives and property losses. First of all, the basis of this study NFPA92A/92B, as well as the U.S. Federal Standard FS 209E provides speed FFU less than 0.45m / s, and based on the stability of the fire source Klote baseline design capacity, it is assumed that the source for the fire 2000KW, the use of U.S. tobacco control NIST''s Fire Dynamics Simulator software, and the use of multi-grid convergence of technology, to simulate realistic-size dimensions for the 168m, 78m, 14m large-scale clean room space, and to further explore the global dynamics of flow field of fire. The results found that in a large space in the smallest limited combustible 2000KW under fire, according to NIST to provide the characteristic fire diameter relationship, the lattice size 0.125mx 0.125mx 0.125m, the simulated and experimental temperature of the same regression equation, the ... |
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