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Travel writing and experience to different parts of the world were quite popular in the 19th century, having inspired generations of Europeans to quest for exoticism and mythic origins of Western culture. Central Asia had always been one of these territories which attracted British travellers and explorers. The clandestine imperial rivalry between Russia and Britain for the mastery of Central Asia multiplied the number of British travellers towards this unknown Orient. Among the most famous travelogues of this period are those written by Alexander Burnes, a military envoy, by Armenius Vambéry, an orientalist, by Florentia Sale and Frances Duberly, officers’ spouses, by Henry Lansdell, a missionary, by Frederick Burnaby, an adventurer, and by many others. These travel narratives, versatile and heterogeneous, bring on a problem of generic definition. Our dissertation aims at examining the phenomenon of Otherness, inherent to travel writing, as well as at mapping within narrative perspective the geopolitical and literary concerns in Central Asia. By choosing this approach our work strives to avoid the reduction of the British travelling discourse in this particular geographical area to a simple legitimacy of imperial policy in the Victorian age. ; Le genre de récit de voyage était très prisé au XIXe siècle, plus encore lorsqu’il concernait des contrées mythiques sur lesquelles se greffait le désir d’exotisme et la recherche de racines communes de générations d’Européens. De ce point de vue, l’Asie centrale ne fait pas exception. La rivalité russo-britannique pour le partage des zones d’influence avait provoqué une multiplication des voyages vers cet Orient mal connu. Parmi les récits britanniques les plus populaires de cette époque se distinguent ceux d’Alexander Burnes, observateur militaire, d’Arminius Vambéry, orientaliste, de Florentia Sale et de Frances Duberly, épouses d’officiers, de Henry Lansdell, prêtre anglican, de Frederick Burnaby, aventurier, etc. Ces textes représentent un genre multiforme, pris à un ... |