Academic Journal

台灣跨國企業應用資訊系統維護管理模式之研究-以兩岸電子製造業為例 ; A Study of Maintenance and Management Models of Applied Information Systems in Taiwanese Transnational Corporations (TNCs) – A Case for Cross-Strait Electronic Manufacturers

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: 台灣跨國企業應用資訊系統維護管理模式之研究-以兩岸電子製造業為例 ; A Study of Maintenance and Management Models of Applied Information Systems in Taiwanese Transnational Corporations (TNCs) – A Case for Cross-Strait Electronic Manufacturers
المؤلفون: 許文漢, Hsu, Wen-Han
المساهمون: 陳文賢, 臺灣大學:資訊管理學研究所
سنة النشر: 2005
المجموعة: National Taiwan University Institutional Repository (NTUR)
مصطلحات موضوعية: 資訊部門, 資訊架構, 資訊系統維護, MIS department, information architecture, information system maintenance
الوصف: 1980年代末期,台灣的企業迫於國內生產條件惡化,將生產基地外移至勞動成本較為低廉,且地理、文化鄰近性較高的地區(如東南亞與中國),同時開啟了國內企業國際化的契機。以代工生產為主的台灣中、大型企業,對外投資主要是在海外設廠,將既有的生產分工結構加以轉化,從邊陲代工廠透過生產基地的外移與研發設計能力的保留。一方面作為先進國家客戶成本控制與製造品質管理的代理人;另一方面,積極維持對外投資生產工廠與生產網絡的彈性與效率,所以台灣的跨國企業主要的面向是生產製造實力的海外複製與製造競爭力的強化;台灣企業在經營海峽兩岸事業與歐美跨國企業有顯著的不同,如社會與政治型態,資訊技術條件不成熟等。所以各公司間的資訊系統架構也有所不同。其既不能循歐美跨國企業發展資訊系統與維護的模式來進行,也不能以區域性的角度來建構。 事實上,只要資訊系統正式上線後,使用者開始操作系統時,就已進入資訊系統維護階段。台灣跨國企業無論資訊部門組織與應用資訊系統架構是採集中、分散或兩者兼具等那種管理方式,都會面臨應用資訊系統維護管理架構是應採那一種架構為最合適的問題;本研究將跨國應用資訊系統維護管理模式,分為『集中』、『分散』與『混合』等三種維護管理模式。並從跨國企業資訊部門組織、應用資訊系統維護與資訊系統架構等相關理論與個案研究中整理出影響跨國性應用資訊系統維護管理的要素,並歸納成三種應用資訊系統維護管理模式與最適性分析模型,以選擇出應用資訊系統維護最佳的管理模式。 ; In late 1980’s, Taiwanese enterprises were forced to relocate their manufacturing bases to regions where provide cheaper labor and are closer in terms of geography and culture (eg. Southeast Asia and China), at the same time these movements initiated the turning point of Taiwanese enterprises’ internationalization. For those contract manufacturing-oriented medium and large-scaled businesses in Taiwan, their foreign investments are mainly about setting factories in overseas locations, transforming its existing division of labor and production structure, and moving manufacturing bases to periphery contractors while retaining research and design capabilities. On the one hand they act as agents of customers from advance countries in terms of production cost and quality control, on the other hand, they actively maintain the flexibility and efficiency of their production units and network, therefore Taiwanese transnational corporations’ primary aspects are reproducing production capability overseas and strengthening manufacturing competitiveness; There are significant differences when it comes to managing cross-strait businesses between Taiwanese and Western transnational corporations, such as social and political factors, information technology remains immature., etc. Consequently, the information architecture in each company is different too. It cannot be done by adapting the model that Western ...
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اللغة: Chinese
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رقم الانضمام: edsbas.9535D1DB
قاعدة البيانات: BASE