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Introduction. Pregnancy in women of extreme age has become a global problem, establishing associations with a number of adverse outcomes and complications- preeclampsia, labor and preterm birth, placental dysfunction, perinatal mortality. Objective of the study. Analysis of the particularities of the evolution of pregnancy and birth in adolescent primiparous, up to 19 years compared to primiparous after 35 years. Material and Methods. The study was performed 2021 and 2022, on a sample of 130 medical records from Gheorghe Paladi Municipal Clinical Hospital. The study is descriptive, retrospective. The patients included in the study were divided into two groups: Group I - 62 patients aged le; 19 years; Group II - 68 patients ge; 35 years of age. Results. Following the research, in the elderly pregnant women, frequently determined extragenital pathologies were the diseases of the CV system 11.76plusmn;0.42% and of the CNS 10.29plusmn;0.21%, while in adolescents the anemias 33.87plusmn;0.33% and renal-urinary disorders 24.19plusmn;0.38% p 0.001. At pregnant women from group I, the obstetrical and gynecological history was complicated by: irregular menstrual cycle 35.48plusmn;0.66%, PID 12.90plusmn;0.21% and TORCH-infections 9.68plusmn;0.26%, and in group II - late menarche 17.65plusmn;0.50% and uterine fibroids 11.76plusmn;0.21% p 0.001. According to the results, the pregnancy of women from group I was conceived naturally in 100% of cases, while in group II - only in 76.47 plusmn; 1.21% of cases p 0.05, and in 23.53plusmn;0.16% of cases, the pregnancy occurred through IVF. Conclusion. Following the research, we noticed that the obstetric and gynecological history is an important determinant in the evolution of pregnancy and childbirth. ; Introducere. Sarcina la femeile de vârste extreme a devenit o problemă la nivel global, stabilind asociații cu o serie de rezultate nefavorabile și complicații- preeclampsie, travaliu și naștere prematură, disfuncție placentară, mortalitate perinatală. Scopul lucrării. Cercetarea ... |