Academic Journal
المؤلفون: | S. N. Kalininа, V. N. Fesenko, D. G. Korenkov, M. V. Volkova, С. Н. Калинина, В. Н. Фесенко, Д. Г. Кореньков, М. В. Волкова |
المصدر: | Andrology and Genital Surgery; Том 18, № 1 (2017); 87-98 ; Андрология и генитальная хирургия; Том 18, № 1 (2017); 87-98 ; 2412-8902 ; 2070-9781 ; 10.17650/2070-9781-2017-18-1 |
بيانات النشر: | "PH "ABV-Press"", LLC |
سنة النشر: | 2017 |
المجموعة: | Andrology and Genital Surgery (E-Journal) / Андрология и генитальная хирургия |
مصطلحات موضوعية: | «Тестогенон», sexually transmitted diseases, by sex, and gonadotropin, androgenodeficit, spermatogenesis, Spermstrong, Testogenon, заболевания, передаваемые половым путем, половые и гонадотропные гормоны, андрогенодефицит, сперматогенез, «Спермстронг» |
الوصف: | Study of the efficacy and safety of natural complex multi-component biologically active additives (BAA) to food Spermstrong and Testogenona in the diagnosis and treating 63 men with reproductive disorders after illness, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). During the 12 weeks 41 patients the primary group assigned Spermstrongom combination therapy in combination with Testogenonom, 22 patient control group received only Spermstrong. Immediate treatment results evaluated through 4 weeks and distant through 12 weeks after stopping treatment. It has been established that the appointment of a combination therapy of complex components Spermstrong and Testogenon was statistically significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment. In the main group was marked by a more pronounced positive clinical effect through 12 weeks after treatment in 84.5 % of patients receiving combination therapy (increase the concentration and mobility of spermatozoa to normozoospermii, increase testosterone levels to normal values, improving the quality of erections, improve blood flow in the prostate gland, testes), in the control group who received Spermstrong, the effect is achieved in two times fewer patients, i. e. normozoospermija in 40.9 % have patients. The results confirm that the components of the Spermstrong complexes and Testogenon in combination therapy is effective, safe, have no side effects and can be used in complex treatment of reproductive disorders in men who have STDs, as well as for prophylaxis of incremental sexual glands: prostate, testicules and improve sexual function. ; Проведено исследование эффективности и безопасности натурального комплекса – многокомпонентной биологически активной добавки (БАД) к пище «Спермстронг» и «Тестогенон» в лечении 63 мужчин с репродуктивными нарушениями после перенесенных заболеваний, передаваемых половым путем (ЗППП). В течение 12 нед 41 больному основной группы назначали комбинированную терапию «Спермстронгом» в сочетании с «Тестогеноном», 22 пациента контрольной группы получали ... |
نوع الوثيقة: | article in journal/newspaper |
وصف الملف: | application/pdf |
اللغة: | Russian |
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DOI: | 10.17650/2070-9781-2017-18-1-87-98 |
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رقم الانضمام: | edsbas.7B95BAD8 |
قاعدة البيانات: | BASE |
DOI: | 10.17650/2070-9781-2017-18-1-87-98 |