Academic Journal

Parentalidade nos primeiros três anos da criança: Stress e coping autorelatad os pelos pais

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Parentalidade nos primeiros três anos da criança: Stress e coping autorelatad os pelos pais
المؤلفون: Lopes, M. Saudade, Lopes, Filipa, Catarino, Helena da Conceição Borges Pereira, Dixe, María dos Anjos Coelho Rodrigues
المصدر: International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology: INFAD. Revista de Psicología, ISSN 0214-9877, Vol. 1, Nº. 1, 2010, pags. 335-344
سنة النشر: 2010
المجموعة: Dialnet - Portada de revistas (Universidad de La Rioja)
مصطلحات موضوعية: Parentalidade, stress, pais, crianças até três anos e estratégias de coping, Parenting, parents, children under three years, coping strategies
الوصف: P arent i ng i n t h e fi rst t h ree y ears o f t h e c hild : stress an d cop i ng se lf reporte d by parent s Intr o ducti o n and Ai m : Parentin g involves stressful events that require support. The purpose of thi s study is to describe stress situations experienced by parents in the parental role and the type of cop- i ng strateg i es a d opte d. Meth od : A descriptive stud y of convenience sample of 106 parents of children under 3 y ears ol d comp l ete d a quest i onna i re. Th e d ata was ana l yze d an d groupe d i nto categor i es. R esu l t s : At least one stressful situation was mentioned b y 70% of parents. The situations men tioned b y mothers concerned the problems of child health, the answer to the basic needs of the child, the crying and the child’s behaviour. The fathers mentioned the needs of the child and the child’s cry - in g. T here were statisticall y significant differences in the difficult situations related to child between sin - g l e c hild’ s parents an d parents w i t h two or more c hild ren (U =5 06 , 000 ; p= 0 , 016). M ost parents answered the problem b y seeking social support. There were also emotion-focused strate g ies and some of them have not adopted strate g ies. C onclusions : Th e resu l ts s h ow areas t h at nee d i ntervent i on to support parents i n a pos i t i ve par - e nt i n g ; I ntro d u ç ão e o bj ect i vo : A parenta lid a d e envo l ve acontec i mentos stressantes que ex i gem suport e pe l o que se o bj ect i va d escrever s i tua ç ões d e stress sent id as pe l os cu id a d ores na e d uca ç ão d a cr i an ç a e o t i po d e cop i ng a d opta d o . M é tod o : Estudo descritivo constituído por amostra acidental de 106 pais de crian ç as até 3 ano s de idade. A informa ç ão recolhida por questionário foi analisada e agrupada em categorias. Resultad o s: P elo menos uma situa ç ão de stress foi mencionada por 70% dos pais. As situa ç ões mais mencionadas pelas mães referiram-se a problemas de saúde da crian ç a à resposta a necessidades básicas da ...
نوع الوثيقة: article in journal/newspaper
وصف الملف: application/pdf
اللغة: Portuguese
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رقم الانضمام: edsbas.77FA7FFE
قاعدة البيانات: BASE