Academic Journal

王朗自然保护区地栖脊椎动物群落结构和生境类型的关系 ; The relationship between community structure of ground-dwelling vertebrates and habitat types in the Wanglang Natural Reserve

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: 王朗自然保护区地栖脊椎动物群落结构和生境类型的关系 ; The relationship between community structure of ground-dwelling vertebrates and habitat types in the Wanglang Natural Reserve
المؤلفون: 李成, 李娟, 梁春平, 赵联军, 王大军, 江建平
المساهمون: 中国科学院成都生物研究所,成都,610041, 北京大学,北京,100871, 王朗国家级自然保护区,平武,622550
المصدر: 知网 ; 万方 ; CSCD ;
بيانات النشر: 生态学报
سنة النشر: 2017
المجموعة: Peking University Institutional Repository (PKU IR) / 北京大学机构知识库
مصطلحات موضوعية: 地栖脊椎动物, 围栏陷阱法, 王朗自然保护区, ground-dwelling vertebrates, drift-fence pitfall traps, Wanglang Natural Reserve
الوصف: 2006年8-11月,采用围栏陷阱法对四川省王朗自然保护区地栖脊椎动物的群落结构进行了研究,结合森林砍伐、旅游和植被恢复方式等干扰因子所推动的动物栖息生境变化,探讨了动物群落结构和生境类型的关系.监测历时75 d,8个样地共捕获3纲6目17科21种778只地栖脊椎动物,物种组成包括3种两栖类、1种鸟类和17种哺乳类.每百陷阱日的捕获率为32.4%;以普通鼩鼯、高山姬鼠、纹背鼩鼱、高原林蛙等4种为优势种,占全部捕获数的76.9%;其余17种的个体数均较少,物种多度和其分布区域呈显著线性相关(P< 0.001).动物群落多样性指数,以干扰相对弱的原生针叶林物种多样性指数和均匀度指数为最高,而优势度指数最低;其次为旅游干扰的原生林灌丛和自然更新的次生林灌丛;人工种植的次生针叶林多样性指数和均匀度指数最低,而优势度指数最高.以动物群落相似性指数进行系统聚类,8个样地的动物群落聚为3类:即干扰相对弱的原生针叶林动物群落、严重干扰的人工针叶林动物群落、部分干扰的原生林灌丛和次生林灌丛动物群落. ; The community structure of grand-dwelling vertebrates in the Wanglang Natural Reserve,Sichuan Province,was examined in relation to a wide range of habitat changes associated with logging,tourism,and restoration measures.Eight sampling sites from a range of habitats were monitored using drift-fences and pitfall traps from August to November 2006.A total of 778 individuals representing 21 species of vertebrates were captured in 75 d,including three species of amphibians,one species of bird,and 17 species of mammals.The capture rate of vertebrates was 32.4%.The vertebrate community was dominated by four species with high abundance.The relative abundance of the species was correlated with their distribution ranges (P < 0.001).Each species was trapped on different dates.Fifteen species were captured within 14 d,no new species were captured from day 15 to 30,and rest of the six species were captured after 30 sampling days.For long-term investigations,15-30 days interval is enough to encounter vertebrate species from this method.The cumulative number of species at the sampling site exhibited a logarithmic growth curve.After 40-60 specimens were trapped,70% of the overall species richness in one sampling site was monitored.In general,changes in the quality of habitat resulted in considerable differences in species composition,abundance,and distribution pattern of community structure,with a marked decline in diversity and evenness indices,and a substantial increase in the proportion of dominant species.The diversity of vertebrates in different habitats indicated that species ...
نوع الوثيقة: journal/newspaper
اللغة: English
تدمد: 1000-0933
Relation: 生态学报. 2017, 37(12), 4247-4257.; 1899537;
DOI: 10.5846/stxb201606071094
رقم الانضمام: edsbas.6E65D86D
قاعدة البيانات: BASE