الوصف: |
1) The little toothed whales which are so called "MADARA IRUKA" in Japan were caught at Arikawa Bay in Goto Is., Nagasaki Pref., in October 1961, and they are the same to the Ogawa's sample at Nagasaki in 1935, but the author surmises it is doubtful that they are Prodelphiuus froeuatus. 2) They are black on back, white on ventral side and gray on side face, and the patterns at the head part are clear as shown in Fig. 2. And then the little patterns which are scattered all over the body are characteristic to this species and there are many those patterns, especially, in front of the larynx and the part of the abdomen. 3) The values of the external proportions are shown in Table 1, and they are almost same to that of Ogawa's sample. 4) The values of the Skull measurment are shown in Table 2, and they are almost same to that of Ogawa's sample too. 5) The numbers of Vertebra and Chevron bone are shown in Table 3, and the former is 79-81 and the latter is 24-26. 6) The number of Os costale is 15-16 in right and left respectively. The number of Cartilago costalis is 9-10 and they are not the cartilage already in adult, and then the -5th. or -6th. of them are connected with the sternum by the cartilage. The Sternum is separated by three bones in adult. The number of two-headed Os costale is 5 or 6 in right and left respectively. 7) On the tooth in this species the number of the upper jaw is 36-37 in right and left respectively and that of the lower jaw is 35-36 in right and 35-38 in left. ; 長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.13, pp.1-8; 1962 ; departmental bulletin paper |