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Adverse Childhood Experiences are potentially traumatizing events that occur inchildhood. ACEs can include violence, abuse, and growing up in a family with mental healthor substance use issues. Adverse Childhood Experience is divided into 3, namely violence(physical, emotional, and sexual), household conflict (abusive treatment of the mother,substance abuse by family members, mental disorders of family members and divorce), andneglect (emotional and physical). The method used in this research is Narrative LiteratureReview (NLR). Narrative Literature Review (NLR) is one approach in writing that aims toconvey a comprehensive overview of the topic of trauma and family problems of AdverseChildhood Experience. This literature review uses data obtained from research that has beenpublished in journals in the last 5 years with databases obtained using Scopus,ScienceDirect, and Sinta. The results of this study show that ACEs are common amongparents and are associated with mental health problems. ACEs also affect parenting behaviorthrough direct and indirect pathways. There are several interventions that can be carried outin individuals who experience Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), such as cognitivebehavioral therapy (CBT), other psychological therapies, psychoeducation, parent/caregivertraining, cross-sector support, educational interventions, and housing and life skillsinterventions can provide benefits in supporting individuals exposed to ACEs.Abstrak: Adverse Childhood Experiences atau pengalaman masa kecil yang merugikanadalah peristiwa yang berpotensi menimbulkan trauma yang terjadi di masa kanak-kanak.ACE dapat mencakup kekerasan, pelecehan, dan tumbuh dalam keluarga dengan masalahkesehatan mental atau penggunaan narkoba. Adverse Childhood Experience terbagi menjadi3, yaitu kekerasan (fisik, emosional, dan seksual), konflik rumah tangga (perlakuan kasarpada ibu, penyalahgunaan zat oleh anggota keluarga, gangguan mental anggota keluarga danperceraian), dan penelantaran (emosi dan fisik). Metode yang ... |