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以一株新筛选得到的海洋产电菌SHEWAnEllA MArISflAVI EP1作为实验材料,研究了该菌株关于偶氮、蒽醌、三苯基甲烷等染料的脱色能力及脱色机制。结果表明,该菌株对这些染料均具有较好的脱色能力,最高脱色容量达到925 Mg染料/(g细胞干重.d)。EP1能利用葡萄糖、蔗糖、木糖、乳酸、甲酸、柠檬酸等多种碳源将单偶氮染料丽春红2r脱色。脱色的PH、温度和nACl浓度范围分别是:PH 6-10、15°C-40°C、0-8%。最优脱色条件:乳酸,PH 8、35°C、1%-2%nACl,10 H内脱色率高达99.95%。分光光谱结果表明,在0-8%nACl浓度范围内EP1脱色机制为降解脱色。 ; In this study,we investigated a new current-producing strain,Shewanella marisflavi EP1 isolated from costal sediments of Xiamen,its decolorization capability and mechanism of several types of dyes such as azo,anthraquinone and triphenyl methane.The results indicated that these dyes could be decolorized efficiently and the maximum capacity was 925 mg/(g cell dry weight·d) of Malachite Green.Strain EP1 could utilize various kinds of carbon sources,such as glucose,sucrose,xylose,lactate,formate and citrate for the decolorization of Xylidine Ponceau 2R.EP1 was active for decolorization in wide ranges of pH(6?10),temperture(15 °C?40 °C),and NaCl concentations(0?8%).The optimal conditions were pH 8.0,30 °C,1%?2% NaCl and lactate as carbon source,with a highest decolorization rate of 99.95% within 10 h.UV-vis absorption spectra demonstrated that the mechanism of the azo dye was degradation in the range of 0?8% NaCl. ; 中国大洋协会项目(No.DYXM-115-02-2-15);国家海洋局海洋生物遗传重点实验室开放研究基金资助项目(No.HY200904) |