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鑒於高科技產業的發展,不斷的技術創新是產業維持競爭力的關鍵,而專利權所代表的,正是產業科技研發績效的指標,企業爲了鞏固自己的勢力範圍,多以申請專利權來保護自身的產品。近年來因專利風險侵權的糾紛不斷,當企業進行風險衡量時,發現可能產生鉅額的損失,最普遍的辦法是利用保險來進行風險轉移,藉已達成風險轉嫁的目的。 因此本研究以高科技產業欲投保專利權保險的三個因子,專利侵害風險、專利承保範圍、專利權保險費配合資訊整合理論的研究設計,了解受測者的判斷及認知模式,並以高科技產業專業人士做比較分析。本研究研究成果如下: 一、 建構出高科技產業專利權保險的多屬性認知模式,取代過去單一因子的固定研究模式。 二、 經文獻探討及訪談結果整理出專利保險費用為投保的首要條件,其次是專利侵害風險,再者為專利承保範圍。 三、 高科技產業的專業人士在風險不同的情況下,皆以相乘的方 式整合專利權保險承保範圍及專利權保險費用。 ; In view of the development of the Hi-Tech industry, the constant technological innovation is the key to maintaining competitiveness in the industry, and the patent right represents, it is exactly the indicator of researching and developing the performance of industry's science and technology, enterprises? Consolidate one's own sphere of influence, by applying for the patent right been the many protect by one's own products. The dispute of infringing because of the patent risk in recent years is constant, when weighing the risk in enterprises, find that may produce losses of hard iron volume, the most general method is to make use of insurance to shift the risk, have made use of and already reached the purpose that the risk shifts. So three factors that this research wants to insure for patent right with the Hi-Tech industry, the patent encroaches on the risk, patent and gives cover for the range, patent right insurance premium and cooperates with the research of the whole reasonable theory of information to be designed, understand the judgment of the persons who are examined and cognitive way, and make comparative analysis with the professional personage of Hi-Tech industry. This research results are as follows: First, build and construct and offer the cognitive way of much attribute of the patent right insurance of Hi-Tech industry, replace the single factor regular research way of the past. Probe into by document and interview result is it offer patent insurance premium the most important condition insured to put in order, secondly it is the patent that encroaches on the risk, moreover give cover for the range for ... |