الوصف: |
У статті визначено та обґрунтовано функціональний, мотиваційно-особистісний та інформаційно-комунікаційний компонент професійної мобільності соціальних працівників. На основі виділених складових професійної мобільності автор пропонує розглядати діяльнісний, суб’єктивний та критерій професійної спрямованості майбутніх соціальних працівників. ; In this paper defined and reasonably functional, personal and motivational information and communication component of professional mobility of social workers. Based on selected components occupational mobility author proposes to consider the active, subjective and criteria professional orientation of future social workers.Professional social worker mobility is an integrated professional characteristics, which involves a combination of personal qualities (adaptability, independence, level of personal mobility, behavioral strategy, critical thinking, the ability shkydko modify their activities, creative activities, formed voloovyy motivational components, systems thinking, etc.) and professional skills (professional expertise, high level of training, career change, professional moving between different professional groups) that provide social workers competitive in the labor market according to changing environmental conditions. Based on this definition and analysis of the literature, a survey of teachers we distinguish between functional, motivational and personal information and communication components of professional mobility of social workers. Characteristic features of the above components allow to distinguish and justify criteria and indicators forming the professional mobility of future social workers.Components of occupational mobility, in our opinion, can be implemented in teaching and educational process provided special training for teachers and students. In training activities we offer to make the content of academic disciplines, add content beyond academic, educational and volunteer activities of social workers knowledge-oriented professional mobility, use ... |