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以某传统“五大片“式客车车身上部结构为基础,设计一种新型整体式“u“型梁客车车身上部结构.根据ECE r66法规要求,建立了2种车身上部结构方案的整车侧翻有限元模型.对客车车身局部骨架刚度试验进行模拟分析,检验了模拟计算的可靠性.采用显式非线性有限元求解器lS_dynA对客车侧翻过程进行模拟分析.利用AdAMS软件计算出客车侧翻撞击地面时的线速度和角速度,作为侧翻模拟分析的初始条件.研究结果表明,两种车身上部结构方案的客车都能满足ECE r66法规关于乘员生存空间的要求;与传统“五大片“式客车相比,整体式“u“型梁客车车身上部结构将更多的碰撞能量传递给顶盖骨架和非碰撞侧侧围骨架,使得碰撞侧侧围骨架吸能减少,侧窗立柱的变形量减小,提高了客车的侧翻安全性. ; A new bus superstructure was designed based on traditional ones.Two finite element models of a bus with different superstructures were created according to ECE R66 requirements.The calculation technique was validated by tests of three separate specimens,which were extracted from the bus superstructure.Analyses of bus rollover were made by means of a nonlinear,explicit,3Ddynamic finite element computer code,LS_DYNA.Linear and angular velocities of bus and its angle with the ground,just prior to the impact for rollover,were calculated using ADAMS software and then used as initial condition for the analysis.Results for both models showed that,the survival space defined by ECE R66 was secured against rollover.Compared to the traditional bus superstructure,the new one can transfer more impact energy to the top frame side and the non-collision side,causing a reduction of the energy absorption of the collision side,that in turn will lead to less pillars deformation,and thus to an improvement of the rollover crashworthiness of buses. ; 国家自然科学基金(31300784); 福建省教育厅科技项目(JA11230) |