الوصف: |
由於世代的進步,以及網路的普及,汽車資訊不勝枚舉,卻缺乏了統整,所以,總在汽車突發狀況時,駕駛人想查詢簡易排除方法,卻不知道從何找起,且查詢資料亦非常耗時。根據「2017年9月的全球APP市場趨勢」的調查指出,從2016到2017的「圖書與工具書」的APP下載量指數提升了36%,在營收指數也提升了55%,表示越來越多使用者願意透過APP學習。 本研究希望透過APP做出一個「基本汽車知識及故障診斷APP」,來幫助駕駛人在突發狀況下,快速的查詢汽車故障原因,進而了解下一步處理的方法。而為了預防汽車故障的狀況,本研究也提供了汽車保養相關知識,及突發狀況的應變,來幫助駕駛人更加了解自己的愛車,以及保護自身安全。並融合了交通部公路總局的汽車筆試題庫,集中所有汽車相關資訊,來達到APP使用的最大效益。 本研究利用問卷調查結果顯示,此「基本汽車知識及故障診斷APP」對於使用者在汽車認知上有顯著的提升,也為駕駛人減少了許多不必要的零件更換開銷,在汽車操作上更是得心應手,且達到事半功倍的效果,同時也幫助準備考汽車駕照筆試的考生,更有效率的複習汽車筆試考題,並藉由此「基本汽車知識及故障診斷APP」更深入的了解汽車相關知識。 本研究希望透過「基本汽車知識及故障診斷APP」,作為汽車駕駛者的知識輔助學習工具,讓駕駛人對於汽車路標及法規熟知以外,也能進一步的認識汽車相關知識,減少駕駛人因忽視汽車平常保養,而帶來的事故及傷亡。 Due to the progress of the generations and the popularity of the Internet, the car information is too numerous to be enumerated, but there is a lack of integration. Therefore, when the car is in a sudden situation, the driver wants to check the simple troubleshooting method, but does not know where to find it. Enquiries are also very time consuming. According to the survey of "Global APP Market Trends in September 2017", the APP Downloads Index of "Books and References" increased by 36% from 2016 to 2017, and the revenue index increased by 55%. The more users are willing to learn through the APP. This study hopes to create a "Basic Car Knowledge and Malfunction Diagnosis App" to help drivers quickly find out the cause of car breakdown in an emergency, and then understand what the next step to do. In order to prevent the car breakdown, this study also provides knowledge of car maintenance and emergency response to help drivers better understand their car and protect their safety. It also incorporates the automotive pen test questions library of the Directorate General of Highways (DGH), Ministry of Transportation and Communications, and concentrates all relevant information on automobiles to achieve the maximum benefit of APP use. This study uses the results of the questionnaire survey to show that this "Basic Car Knowledge and Malfunction Diagnosis APP" has significantly improved the user's awareness of the car, . |