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This was developed through a bibliographic review, in order to study the most up-to-date information on diaphragmatic strengthening exercises in post-covid19 patients, in order to improve the quality of life of patients who left the ICU ward. or passed the severe stage of the disease. In the search, 100 scientific articles were found, of which 28 were discarded because they were duplicates, 19 because they did not contribute to the study objective.After analyzing the remaining articles using the PEDro scale, a total of 35 publications remained, this set It is made up of scientific articles in several languages such as English, Portuguese, Spanish, French and Italian, in addition to corroborating the effectiveness generated by the application of exercises to the diaphragm in post-covid-19 patients. The databases used to find the information were: Scielo, PubMed, Medical Archives, Postgrad Med, International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, European respiratory journal, repositories and virtual libraries of various universities, the articles collected were from the year 2011 to 2021, this due to the scarce information on respiratory physiotherapy. Finally, after concluding the research after the discussion of the results presented by the various authors, it can be stated that the application of diaphragmatic strengthening exercises in patients who have overcome the severe stage of COVID-19 has yielded positive results and improved the conditions of their health when they return to their daily life and improve its quality in the medium and long term. Keywords: Respiratory diseases, COVID 19, Diaphragmatic strengthening, Respiratory therapy. ; RESUMEN: La presente se desarrolló a través de una revisión bibliográfica, con el fin de estudiar la información más actualizada sobre los ejercicios de fortalecimiento diafragmático en pacientes post-covid19, a fin de mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes que salieron de la sala de UCI o superaron la etapa grave de la enfermedad. En la ... |