子計畫:三維度邊坡穩定分析技術之研究(I) ; A Numerical Technology Development on the 3-D Slope Stability Analyses for Large-Scale Landslides

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: 子計畫:三維度邊坡穩定分析技術之研究(I) ; A Numerical Technology Development on the 3-D Slope Stability Analyses for Large-Scale Landslides
المؤلفون: 陳昭旭
المساهمون: 資源工程學系(所), 陳昭旭
سنة النشر: 2018
مصطلحات موضوعية: 三維度邊坡穩定分析;大規模崩塌潛勢範圍;剪力強度折減法, 3-D slope stability analysis; Influence zone on Large-scale landslide; Shear strength reduction technique, geo, envir
الوصف: 計畫編號:MOST107-2625-M006-013 ; 執行機構:國立成功大學資源工程學系(所) ; 2018-08~2019-07 ; 台灣位處於環太平洋地震帶及亞熱帶氣候地區,地形南北狹長且山多平原少,再加人口高密度化。為了疏緩交通與居住問題,須跨越山區鋪設道路及山坡地開發因而造成些許人為破壞,一旦發生降雨及地震等,常可能引發邊坡破壞,並造成相當嚴重的災害,因此,如何穩定邊坡將是一個重要的課題。本計畫擬針對台南六甲南勢坑地區進行邊坡崩塌潛勢分析,透過電腦模擬,瞭解構成災害之因素,並提出預警建議,以確保國民生命及財產安全。 在傳統的邊坡穩定分析領域中,常以極限平衡法、極限分析法、變形分析法、斷裂力學法等去分析邊坡安全係數和對應之臨界滑動面,以確保邊坡穩定。然而,就大型邊坡而言,因其地形起伏變化大,若僅以邊坡穩定與否之安全因子(safety factor)及二維平面應變假設進行邊坡之抗滑分析,當面對三維地形之邊坡問題時,並無法有效預測整體邊坡滑動範圍之變位量,因此需以三維整體進行分析考量。再者,透過三維空間中地層位態及地下水位分佈與流向之合理假設,更能提高邊坡穩定預測之準確度,以提供做為邊坡穩定工程規畫參考。 本計畫首先擬以地下水模式系統(Groundwater Modeling System, GMS),針對計畫區域之地形資料建構三維度網格,並透過鑽心資料進行三維空間地層幾何分析(Borehole data analysis)及年度水位井資料分析枯豐水期之三維度地下水分佈及流向(Modflow analysis)。其次,利用MATLAB軟體撰寫程式,將上述GMS分析結果匯入有限差分套裝軟體(Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in 3 Dimensions, FLAC3D),並將計畫區域之歷史雨量資料帶入滲入模式,進行流固耦合邊坡穩定模擬。計畫透過一系列分析,以計畫區域之枯豐水期、降雨強度及地層中之抗剪能力等因子,模擬求得計畫區域之地層剪應力及塑性區之變化,以預測崩塌潛勢範圍,並藉由剪力強度折減評估以提出計畫區域之安全警戒範圍。 ; Taiwan, on the Pacific Ring of Fire and located in subtropical region, with lots of mountains and less plains and coupled with a high population density and the long north-south topography which make it’s necessary to cross mountains to lay roads to ease and solve the traffic problems. Because of these developments on slopes sometimes coupled with human destructions which cause severe damages when it comes rainfalls and earthquakes. In order to prevent the damages occurred, works on stability of slope are profoundly significant. This project plans to conduct analysis of landslides at Nanshikeng, Liujia Dist., Tainan. Through planning, we will understand the factors that contribute to the disaster and provide early warning suggestions to ensure the safety of life and property. In the traditional field of slope stability analysis, the main objective is to determine safety factor of slope and the critical failure surface to ensure the slope stability. Some common methods are used to solve these two problems such as limit equilibrium method, limit analysis method, deformation analysis method, Fracture mechanics and so on. However, ...
نوع الوثيقة: report
اللغة: unknown
Relation: http://ir.lib.ncku.edu.tw/handle/987654321/187731
الاتاحة: http://ir.lib.ncku.edu.tw/handle/987654321/187731
Rights: undefined
رقم الانضمام: edsbas.14F1C243
قاعدة البيانات: BASE