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This introduction to the electrogravitational theory seeks to shed light on some of the mysteries of contemporary physics. The text is composed of seven chapters, each of which explores different aspects of the theory. In the first chapter , the "conversion factors" are introduced, which are dimensionless coefficients used to evaluate the effect of accelerated expansion of spacetime on measurements. It is shown that these factors can be expressed through a common parameter, α, the fine-structure constant, which is linked to the ratio between the theoretical radius (13.6-13.8 Gly) and the measured radius (46.5-47 Gly) of the universe. Additionally, the hypothesis of matter contraction is discussed. In this perspective, the redshift observed by Hubble reflects not the expansion of the universe, but the contraction of matter, and thus of the "ruler" used for measurements. In the second chapter , it is demonstrated that dark matter and dark energy do not exist, and the gravitational effects attributed to them are actually caused solely by ordinary matter. In the third and fourth chapters , the equivalence law between electric charge, energy and mass is introduced. Newton's theory of gravitation is first extended into the generalized gravitational theory and then into the generalized electrogravitational theory. The latter, among other things, predicts the existence of electrogravitational waves, suggesting that photon and graviton are the same particle and that the gravifoton is constituted by two elementary electric charges of opposite sign. In the fifth chapter , Planck's law is derived from first principles. This implies that Planck's constant is no longer a fundamental constant but derivable from other constants. In the sixth chapter , the electrogravitodynamic equations and the electrogravitational stress-energy tensor are developed. Finally, in the seventh chapter , the quantization of Einstein's field equation is carried out. The solutions of Einstein's field equations are represented by spacetime metrics. In ... |