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Carbon emissions have become a specific alarming indicators and intricate challenges that lead an extended argue about climate change. The growing trend in the utilization of fossil fuels for the economic progress and simultaneously reducing the carbon quantity has turn into a substantial and global challenge. The aim of this paper is to examine the driving factors of CO$_2$ emissions from energy sector in Romania during the period 2008-2022 emissions using the log mean Divisia index (LMDI) method and takes into account five items: CO$_2$ emissions, primary energy resources, energy consumption, gross domestic product and population, the driving forces of CO$_2$ emissions, based on which it was calculated the contribution of carbon intensity, energy mixes, generating efficiency, economy, and population. The results indicate that generating efficiency effect -90968.57 is the largest inhibiting index while economic effect is the largest positive index 69084.04 having the role of increasing CO$_2$ emissions. |