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‘Pest Organisms Threatening Europe’ (POnTE) is a four-year H2020 Project (grant agreement number 635646), started in November 2015, targeting emerging pests that threaten EU agriculture and forestry to develop knowledge and tools to minimise their impact and the risk of introduction in pest-free areas. The bacteria Xylella fastidiosa and Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum and their vectors, as well as the phytopathogenic fungi causing major diseases in forestry and landscape trees, i.e Phytopthora spp. and Hymenoscyphus spp., were studied by a multidisciplinary team representing more than 20 Partners. The most relevant part of the project workplan was dedicated to studying the biological, genetic and epidemiological aspects of the bacterium X. fastidiosa spreading in olives in southern Italy. The bacterium, its vectors and the host response has been explored using innovative approaches and the knowledge gathered has significantly improved the current methods for diseases surveillance and prevention. Whereas, the preliminary results of the studies on the spittlebugs, olive microbiome and mechanisms of resistance in olive cultivars opened up new opportunities for the implementation of future applied research programmes on sustainable control strategies. The research programme has been supported by intense communication and dissemination actions, promoting research networking, harmonisation of the surveillance strategies and transfer of knowledge to stakeholders. Several scientific evidences collected in the framework of the project have been used to support and update the pest risk assessment and to implement the legislative measures enforced at EU and national level. The most significant achievements of the project will be briefly illustrated. |