Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rapidly progressive neurodegenerative disorder which causes early sustained disability and quality of life impairment. Recently, a self-reported questionnaire focusing on MSA-specific symptoms (Multiple System Atrophy Quality of Life questionnaire, MSA-QoL) was developed in the English language. This article reports the validation of the German translation of the MSA-QoL.Translation of the MSA-QoL was implemented in a 3-tiered approach including a forward translation, a back translation and an independent review. For the validation study 38 consecutive patients with MSA according to the consensus criteria were recruited by the participating centers in a German-Austrian cohort. Data were analyzed using standard psychometric procedures.As determined by the independent review, the German translation of the MSA-QoL was classified as fully equivalent to the English version. The validation study confirmed good psychometric properties of the rating scale.The German translation of the MSA-QoL was shown to be a reliable patient-reported rating scale to determine health-related quality of life in MSA patients.