A dynamic monitoring on the rainfall-runoff process and the surface runoff and sediment yield in a sloping farmland was conducted at a natural rainfall runoff plot in the watershed of Jianshan River, the first tributary of Fuxian Lake, Chengjiang, aimed to study the regulation effects of reverse-slope level terrace on the runoff and sediment yield in red soil sloping farmlands of Yunnan. The regulation rates of runoff and sediment yield by the reverse-slope level terrace were 49.5%-87.7% and 56.7%-96.1%, averagely 65.3% and 80.7%, respectively, showing that the regulation effects of reverse-slope level terrace on the runoff and sediment yield, especially the latter in sloping farmland were prominent. The variation coefficients of the test parameters for undisturbed sloping farmland and reverse-slope level terrace were in the order of sediment yieldrunoffrainfall. Comparing with undisturbed sloping farmland, reverse-slope level terrace had smaller surface runoff and smaller relative deviation degree of sediment yield, demonstrating its remarkable effect in controlling runoff and sediment yield in sloping farmland.